Conservative Religious lobbying group providing instruction on “Communicating with Gen Z.”

Hot off of the facebook press.. the South Central Republican Women will be hearing from Family Voice’s Norman Woods on “how to communicate with Gen Z.”

Why do I think it’s going to resemble this?

Presenter Norman Woods is also the only person to testify against a measure to establish the minimum age for marriage as 18.

Those darn kids and watching their Mtv..  Why aren’t they married off already?

10 thoughts on “Conservative Religious lobbying group providing instruction on “Communicating with Gen Z.””

  1. Keep weirdos like Norman Woods, his affiliated organizations, and candidates out of your bedroom, Pierre and the White House.

    1. Weirdos? Have you met Norman? That smooth talking bastard is a real killer with the young ladies and perfect to give this presentation.

  2. translation: learn how to convince young people to understand how the suns of the entire universe will flame out and die, if the oldest fakiest rich white guy to ever run for president doesn’t get their vote and loses in november.

  3. This campaign video from “Won’t PAC Down” perfectly represents the weirdo MAGA social conservatives like Norman, his Man from High Castle organization, past and present Doeden Dumpsterfire associates who not only want to be in our bedrooms but in the doctor’s examining room with us, Project 2025, our past SD legislative sessions and for sure the 2025 session with the new wackadoodle class.

  4. Move the age of consent age back to 12 where it belongs, Biblically speaking. Allow sexual abuse within the family unit. Women are “lesser vessels” whose role it is “to cleave unto their husband.” and be fertile.If we did these things, there would be much more “control” of our young people and they would respect Authority.Then, we would all be happy and go to Heaven. Sorry….I can’t buy it. Sounds like n ignorant Jibberish.

  5. Actually, Mr Woods presentation was filled with wisdom and intelligence. There was not one weird statement. I believe many of you would benefit from listening to communication strategies identified in this particular message and many of you would be better to stop being so critical of others. Ridicule and vile comments are not necessary.
    South Central Republican Women is an organization committed to upholding Republican values…including Judeo Christian beliefs. Norman Woods also is committed to upholding Republican values. We invited him to speak as we are aligned in our beliefs and platforms.
    Who knows, next time it may be you!

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