D20 replacement election.. apparently they picked the one living in Brookings.

Interesting update this evening from the district 20 meeting to replace Ben Krohmer on the ballot, as it sounds like this was maybe not exactly the most organized and unbiased process.

The precinct people, who seemed to be somewhat pre-coached, as both candidates gave their speeches, and the precinct people all voted for Kaley Nolz of Brookings while the elected officials who attended cold and listened to the speeches largely voted for Mike Lauritsen of Mitchell.

And as I’m hearing while Rich Hilgemann ran the event for the Republican party, my correspondent tells me Ben Krohmer – who gave the nominating speech for Nolz – started collecting the ballots. After he got about 10 of them, Rich Hilgemann remarked ‘“oh, I should be doing that,” and took over.

(Rich contends Krohmer simply brought the bucket from the back off the registration table and went to pass it down the line when he grabbed it and went down each row himself.)

Not sure that’s the way it’s supposed to work. But that’s the way I’m told it went down.

Unfortunately, the precinct people outnumbered the elected officials, so D20 Republicans picked the one whom they had better make sure moves into the district next January.

34 thoughts on “D20 replacement election.. apparently they picked the one living in Brookings.”

  1. Welcome to the new SDGOP. Integrity? Nope.
    Looks like Hilgemann will be bringing that “rules for thee and not for me” Brown County mentality to the state party.
    Never mind you, this is the same group that won’t shut up about “election integrity”. Newsflash – it was never about any integrity, more so their lack of it – it’s about CONTROL, and how these power hungry trolls can take it.

    Are you mad yet?

  2. Sad day for the people who voted for election integrity in our GOP State. . This little man ran on this issue but withdrew at the last minute to advocate for someone who doesn’t even live in the district. Definition of hypocrisy. D20 citizens remember this if he ever runs again or if you have plumbing issues.

  3. Definitely opens the door for the Dems to win that seat…. If they get their act together enough to find a candidate. It wouldn’t take much to beat a a far righter with no name recognition and little experience who lives out of district 125 miles away.

    1. Thats because it’s not news. I asked her about it, she said it was a rental property – which makes sense because she has on her resume “rental property owner.” Further, I saw that she is registered to vote in Mitchell to a Mitchell address.

        1. Don’t forget his best little buddy Drew Dennert. Who also happened to be Rich Hilgemann’s order thrower.

          Goss’ piece was a train wreck of propaganda garbage. Then again most of his are.

      1. Mr. PP clearly out-scouted you fellows, again. Like my old friend Bill used to say, “I’m just sayin…”

      1. but it was not just mom and dad who said she lives in Brookings, it’s the County Office of Equalization saying it too.

        Compared to other counties, Brookings has both high home values and high property taxes. If she doesn’t live in that house, she’s cheating on her taxes..

  4. Sad day for the SDGOP. Sad day for South Dakota. Our system used to work because good people cared about the state and now it’s full of single-issue, uninformed, bat-$h!t crazy activists.

  5. the city of Brookings better pull the tax records if she is paying the owner-occupied rate on a rental property.

  6. so if she lives in Brookings, she’s guilty of election fraud, and if she doesn’t live in Brookings, she’s guilty of tax fraud,

  7. Is there still time and a process available for Mike Lauritsen to file as an independent candidate in District 20? or Should he pursue the Democratic Party endorsement and serve as a very conservative Democrat like Joe Manchin of Virginia or as an independent such as Angus King of Maine and Krysten Sinema of Arizona do?

    1. Indy time is long over. And I don’t think Mike would run as a Dem.

      Unfortunately, this was one of those smoke-filled back room deals where the outgoing candidate appears to have arranged much of it before he ever announced he was leaving.

      I’ve seen these before, and speaks to the worst in politics.

  8. Voters & the public were not afforded a choice. This was a behind the doors selection with a candidate of questionable credentials. It does the whole “voter integrity” movement a disservice when these shady power grabs occur. Shame on Ms. Nolz, Mrs. Radke & Mr. Krohmer. We all know what this was about.

    1. either she doesnt live in the district, or she doesnt live in the house she is paying property taxes on as owner-occupied
      it’s bad either way.

  9. I’m disappointed in Kromer. He came across to me as an honest, though not sophisticated fellow. This deal stinks to high heaven.

    1. He is kind, but not a leader. He is a puppet for John Hansen and those who want that extra vote this fall. Leadership title, to those who can’t do, promise continued political gain. Because they…..can’t do.

  10. when Ben, Amanda ‘look at me, I’m famous’ Radke and the Sneve’s step brother Hansen clan claim that SB 201 (now RL 21) should be rejected by the voters because it was a ‘back room deal’, the operative response better be “hello Mr. Pot meet Mr. Kettle’.

    The FreeDumb caucus uses the same tactics as the Shumer clan and then tells the world that it’s the other side that engaging in these shenanigans.

    Give Ben credit, he towed the robot’s line, just like a good ‘cat women for Kamela’ would do in that party. The truth doesn’t matter to them nor do the rules and use the same tactics to acquire more power.

    I wish Ms. Nolz the best, I really do. She deserves a chance to prove herself and carve a good path like many other good House Reps from that district (not ben). I hope she’ll prove us wrong and destroy the image many are likely to have, that she’s on her sister’s lap, like some kind of mindless puppet.

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