Dakota News Now: NAACP protest of Toby Doeden’s event at 5:30 today. Toby needs Mark Robinson to ‘encourage conservative values’

Sounds like there will be some protesting tonight at Toby Doeden’s expensive zoom call with his buddy Mark Robinson. And as per our dumpster-fire friend, he needs to have people “come in from out of state to encourage conservative values:

“If Mark Robinson wasn’t a black, prominent conservative that threatened the deep state in Washington, they wouldn’t be attacking him. Everything that has been reported about Mark, there has been no substantive proof,” said Doeden.

Doeden said Robinson and other speakers, like FBI whistleblower Garrett O’Boyle, need to come in from out of state to encourage conservative values.

“There aren’t a whole lot of true, America-first conservatives that are moving the needle nationally that could speak at an event like this and generate this kind of momentum,” said Doeden.


The NAACP plans to hold a protest outside The District at 5:30 p.m. and invited others to “stand in solidarity with us against hate in South Dakota.”

Read the entire story here.

Toby needs people to come in from out of state to encourage conservative values?

Well, when you take as much free money from Uncle Sam as Toby does, maybe he feels he needs that kind of education on how to be a conservative.

Protest is at 5:30, if you’re so inclined.

9 thoughts on “Dakota News Now: NAACP protest of Toby Doeden’s event at 5:30 today. Toby needs Mark Robinson to ‘encourage conservative values’”

  1. $1.15M in free Covid cash!?!?! He’s the welfare king of Aberdeen! This loser doesn’t know the first thing about true conservative values.

  2. “If Mark Robinson wasn’t a black, prominent conservative that threatened the deep state in Washington, they wouldn’t be attacking him.” said Doeden.

    I think they should replace “deep state” with “boogeyman”. Then you can more readily see just how paranoid and ridiculous these people are.

    1. Chupacabra, imo. It speaks to their other fear (the border) that always seems to be at its zenith in election years.

  3. This “movement” that Doeden has started is bad in so many aspects. Anyone associated with him or his pac is not to be trusted and only bad policy will come with it. It’s no surprise that Nazis showed up in Pierre and Sturgis and now apparently a “black Nazi” in Sioux Falls. Beware citizens.

  4. Doesn’t Doeden own other businesses too? How much money did he collect on those?

    I’ve heard he has a lawyer on payroll who just sits around creating LLC’s for him and his extended family members. What is this guy hiding?!

  5. Katy Hoffman, NK Braithwaite will be there supporting the dumpster and his keynote.

  6. The beauty of free speech is others can hear it and learn what a person or group believes in. These folks are telling us they support Nazis and slavery. Are you listening?

  7. Good article by Joshua Haiar from the South Dakota Searchlight from the rally last night. Looking at the video Brandei Schaefbauer, Chris Reder to her right and then Logan Manhart were in the front table marked #3. Not able to determine who the others were. Looking forward to more video coverage and a full list of attendees. https://southdakotasearchlight.com/2024/10/01/north-carolina-candidates-inclusion-in-sioux-falls-event-divides-sd-republican-party/

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