Dakota Town Hall podcast; Governor Janklow stories with Lee Schoenbeck & Harry Christianson

If you’re a South Dakota political history buff, some of the best content you’ll hear this week is the latest podcast from our friends at Dakota Town Hall, where they’ve brought Senate President Pro Tempore Lee Schoenbeck, and former Janklow confidante’ & Lobbyist Harry Christianson together for part 1 of their stories about former Governor Bill Janklow.

You can listen to the podcast here.

5 thoughts on “Dakota Town Hall podcast; Governor Janklow stories with Lee Schoenbeck & Harry Christianson”

  1. the vast needless tragedy surrounding the conclusion of janklow’s career and life are still too painful and fresh for me, possibly so for others. what heartbreak, even now, still.

  2. Gracias, amigo. 🙂
    Harry, Lee, and Tony have all been very generous w/ their time on this series. Thanks for the plug.

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