Daschle has moved on from South Dakota and DC, now residing in South Carolina

According to an article at South Dakota Standard, former Senator Tom Daschle has apparently moved on from South Dakota and Washington DC, where he famously declared himself to be a resident, and is now residing in South Carolina:

There has been a change in his status. He and his wife Linda Hall Daschle have relocated and he will not be part of the South Dakota delegation.

“This year I am still a superdelegate from South Carolina, since that has now been our official residence for a few years,” Daschle said.

Read that here.

19 thoughts on “Daschle has moved on from South Dakota and DC, now residing in South Carolina”

  1. I went through South Carolina this Spring. It is a beautiful state with down to earth people. Frank, the janitor at one of the rest stops, was particularly refreshing and kind. He told me that he, like most South Carolinans, likes a cold beer and a stock car race on the weekends.

    Fascinating .. will Daschle be trying to export “the model” there?

    Why isn’t he moving to Seattle?

    1. Why isn’t he moving to Seattle? Because he even knows the liberal democrat way is a disaster. The same reason Heidelberger moved to a red state instead of a blue state.

  2. a bluffton sc-area news report from 2013 revealed that daschle was building a house there, and had long loved that corner of the u.s. since he was working as a consultant in the eastern u.s., living in seattle would have been a silly choice.
    the blue-state cities and liberal-run cities are shining parts of our nation – the opposite of the spooky election-cycle scary campfire stories you all love to tell each other.

    1. Ehhhh. I typically agree with you, but not so much here. Chicago is a great town, but it is also one of the most corrupt cities in the nation. It is dominated by democrat politics. My position is that any place that has essentially turned uniparty (Chicago, South Dakota generally) is highly susceptible to corruption because there is little chance of meaningful consequence, neither from their party member colleagues nor at the polls.

      1. well, i’ve been to chicago, and i know how infamous the old illinois combine is among conservatives who hate compromise and negotiated bipartisanship. i read the late mike royko’s famous essays whenever i can. i feel as safe in chicago as i do anywhere in the u-s.
        i note the effort to falsely trash the twin cities is under way too because of gov walz running with kamala harris. such tactics shouldn’t be employed.

      1. What facts? Red states have higher rates of gun violence and death. Illinois isn’t even in the top 25 states, but you all scream about Chicago. This is why no one takes you serious. We live in the safest time in all of history. Crime rates have been dropping for years. You are just more aware of the crime which makes you feel less safe. I’m still more likely to get shot in SD than in Chicago.

        1. Then go for a nighttime walk in West Garfield Park in Chicago…prove us wrong. Ya got it in ya to put your money where your mouth is?

          1. No problem. We do need fear to get people to follow. It must suck living life while always being afraid.

            1. Not living life in fear. I just have a sense of reality that you don’t. So when can we expect you to follow through?

              1. A sense of reality? That’s exactly what you don’t have. There are lots of dangerous spots that you can find in the country, but most people would never frequent them to worry. Instead they spend their times in places where the murder rate actually matters to their survival because they are exposed to it. Maybe go get a lesson in statistics and come back and tell me if it’s safer in rural Illinois or rural SD. Don’t worry, I already know the answer.

  3. Deflection…not surprised.You stated “no problem” when challenged to put up and demonstrate the BS spilling from your mouth. But now your deflecting from your bravado. So once again, when can we expect you to go and take a night time leisurely strole through an area in Chicago that is arguably one of the most crime ridden areas in the country? Make sure someone records it and puts it on YouTube. But I suspect you are a typical libby…all talk with no backbone.

    1. All you guys have is fear and hate. Hate the immigrant. Hate the poor. Hate the sick. It must suck living in fear all the time. Weirdos.

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