Democrat Sonja Mentzer files statement of organization to run for House in D11

Sioux Falls Democrat Sonja Mentzer filed paperwork this morning with the Secretary of State to organize a campaign committee for the purpose of running for District 11 House:

SonjaMentzer_sdcfdisclosure by Pat Powers on Scribd

This provides a full slate for the House in D11 for Dems, as Democrat Aaron Matson had previously announced he was running.

Mentzer and Matson would most likely be running against incumbents Republican Representatives Brian Mulder and the open seat that will be vacated by Chris Karr, due to term limits.

3 thoughts on “Democrat Sonja Mentzer files statement of organization to run for House in D11”

  1. Chris Karr is term limited in the House and plans to run for my Senate seat. I am also term limited and do not plan to run for the House.

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