Democrat candidate isn’t exactly enthused by running as a Democrat. Dems actually were shooting for less than half.

As Democrats hyperextend their arms to pat themselves on the back for the job they did in recruiting candidates, at least one is not exactly loving what the Democrat Party stands for, knowing what a drag on her candidacy it is:

“I think we would always love to have more candidates,” Berk Ehrmantraut, the South Dakota Democratic Party Executive Director, told KELOLAND News. “I think we’ve set ourselves up to be really competitive and pick up some seats this year in the legislature.”


Heenan, who ran for a spot on the Pennington County commission as an independent in 2018, said she reluctantly switched from an independent to Democrat a month ago. She said the national tone of the Democratic Party is not applicable or appropriate to South Dakota, but said running as an independent for state office was not efficient.


While Democrats will leave 23 Senate seats and nine House seats uncontested, Ehrmantraut said having more than 50 candidates for state Senate or House was in the range the party was aiming for.

Read that here.

More than 50 Candidates? How many were placeholders? Because I know they were calling for people to be placeholders.

I’m happy to say that Republicans were shooting for 105 seats and got them. Because the seats where you don’t run anyone are the seats you are most certainly going to lose.

17 thoughts on “Democrat candidate isn’t exactly enthused by running as a Democrat. Dems actually were shooting for less than half.”

  1. The Democrat Party in SD is a shambles. Poor leadership, no money, no candidates.

    1. Not to mention years of negative influence by the one and only, legend in his own mind, Cory Allen Heidelberger!

  2. Frankly, as a Republican, I would rather have quality people running for a few spots as Dems to increase parity and the professionalism of the legislature. Having a bunch of crazy Dems or Republicans does not create good sound policy in Pierre.

    1. Would you look at this, sanity!

      It’s no secret this is a one party state. Why spend money on races you’ll lose even if the Dem says “Trump won in 2020 and Noem is the greatest evar!!”

  3. She showed support for Andrew Yang on her facebook page. Andrew Yang is even further left of the Democratic Party and is even farther to the left with his $1,000 a month government payment to everyone and legalizing all drugs plan. The Democratic Party is DOA in SD and the Democratic Socialists of America (Marxists) who infiltrated the DNC are about to split off and become their own party.

    1. Yang gang is crazy at best…talk about a scheme that would cause hyper inflation.

  4. Senator Helene Duhamel won’t be out worked, and will handily give that lady a chance loose and go back to bitching about the sad state of the Democratic Party

  5. who kicks off a campaign by saying…the party I just chose to join sucks…1) look at my decision making ability and 2) my loyalty?

    dumb move

  6. South Dakota would be better off with a respectable Dem party to present a loyal opposition. Competition makes us all sharper.

    1. “South Dakota would be better off with a respectable Dem party”

      And there is the bottom line. The one who has the initials CAH has pretty much destroyed any respectability the dems had.

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