Democrat Congressional Candidate Ryan Ryder has worst candidate rollout in recent history. On Jan 6 tweeted “too bad” rioters “didn’t get” Dusty Johnson that day.

Democrat Congressional candidate Ryan Ryder was all set to make a big announcement splash today.. and instead ended up being outed as just another creep on twitter throwing trash, who also happened to be having the worst candidate rollout in recent South Dakota History.

As posted on his website, he started out claiming that he was going to be a different type of candidate. And in fact actually says “Why am I running for Congress? Let me be clear up front that I’m not interested in personal attacks or mudslinging.

But.. literally at the same time as his announcement, it came out that this 47 year old Rapid City attorney is also a creepy twitter troll:

But just hours after his announcement, concerns were raised about several questionable tweets from Ryder’s personal Twitter account.


While many are relatively minute, others are far more controversial.

In one, Ryder suggests that he should make an animated video of Johnson’s family getting killed.

Or in another, Ryder makes jokes about performing sexual acts to a picture of Governor Kristi Noem.

Read it all here.

And as of tonight on Dakota News Now, Ryder’s exploits being a not-as-anonymous-as-he-thought douche bag on twitter ended up not just overshadowing his campaign announcement, but completely eclipsing and destroying the narrative he was trying to sell, that he’s “not interested in personal attacks or mudslinging.”  Because that seems to be all he’s done on twitter for the last few years.

Ryder’s biggest problem is not an uncommon one among candidates, as I’ve talked about it several times, where candidates failed to police their social media.

Shortly before the press release went out from South Dakota Democrats this morning, Ryder took down this twitter account..

But considering he filed his FEC forms 5 days ago, I can tell you that this was 5 days too long.

Here’s how his twitter page looked before he nuked it this morning. And let me tell you – he was a very, very active tweeter.

Here Democrat Congressional Candidate Ryan Ryder implies that Kristi Noem voters dying of COVID might be good.

Here Democrat Congressional Candidate Ryan Ryder says Rush Limbaugh dying of cancer is funny.

Here Ryan Ryder thinks Joseph Boever dead on the side of the road is a good subject for what he termed his “shock jock” humor to Dakota News Now.

And it goes on, and on, and on.

I’m not sure what’s more amazing – that a 47 year old attorney acts like a 15 year old on twitter, or that the state Democrat Party is actually continuing to endorse him as their candidate.

Especially when he makes statements like this:

Democrat Congressional Ryan Ryder on Dusty Johnson: “It’s too bad that the Trump rioters you continue to support didn’t get you that day.”

The Democrat Candidate for Congress’ first reaction to January 6th was to wish harm on Congressman Dusty Johnson that day. As endorsed by the South Dakota Democrat Party. 

Stay tuned for more.

Much, Much more.

20 thoughts on “Democrat Congressional Candidate Ryan Ryder has worst candidate rollout in recent history. On Jan 6 tweeted “too bad” rioters “didn’t get” Dusty Johnson that day.”

  1. Wow. In a long line of terrible Dem Congressional candidates, this guys may take the cake.

    1. “Ryan’s lifetime of service and commitment to his community speaks louder than some poorly-worded tweets,”said SDDP Executive Director Berk Ehrmantraut.


      Maybe Ryder meant to tell Dusty Johnson it was too bad the Trump rioters didn’t get him ICE CREAM that day.

      If so, the tweet was indeed worded poorly.

  2. “Not interested in personal attacks” ha at least own the fact that you are a troll.

    The only thing this guy might test is Dusty’s patience and generally respectful conduct.

    1. If the things Trump said bother you so, I’d think that you would be first in line to call for Democrats to dump this loser candidate.

  3. This is on par with Lee Schoenbeck dehumanizing patriotic America-first South Dakota Republicans as “[cancer]”.

    Do they go to the same gym or something?

  4. Is this a condemnation of tweets like this or just his/Democrat tweets? Schoenbeck (mentioned above in comments) objected when Trump tweeted like this and you have lined up to roast him.

    SD can do better than this — Dem and Rep!

  5. This POS needs to have the capital police kicking his door down. Attack ads are stupid but going after family is much worse. He should have no place in the Democrat party, in politics, or our community. If Democrats don’t condemn this guy, it says it all. They thought trump should be impeached for tweets for 4 years. Rules for thee but not for me.

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