Democrats countering Noem joke by claiming to be oppressed.

13 thoughts on “Democrats countering Noem joke by claiming to be oppressed.”

  1. We are a Beef state and the beef market is hurting. People need to stop being so offended.

    1. Also, nice clickbait headline. Her comment isn’t saying vegans are oppressed. She’s saying let people do their thing unless their thing is tearing down others.

    1. Where is the joke? If a comedian made this statement, it would fall pretty flat. This is definitely more of an insult than a joke and I’m a huge fan of good jokes and don’t buy into political correctness as it pertains to comedy. Again, crappy joke but it probably appeals to the “owning the libs” crowd.

  2. We need more burger eaters in this state. This state thrives on burgers. Eat your steak! Wear your furs! It’s the American way! Vegans offend the livin’ crap out of me. Who do they think they are ‘helping’??? God gave us animals so we can have burgers.

  3. I don’t see why you are making “don’t be an asshole” a Democratic value? We should all agree that a certain level of decorum should be expected of any elected official.

    1. Well the GOP has fully embraced the “be an asshole” mantra so I guess it’s natural to counter that.

  4. She’s just a hunter grabbing three red necks by the talons. I don’t think she meant to hurt vegans feelings, she’s just saying there’s no room for them in her Christian heaven.

  5. It was funny. Not offensive. The Democrats aren’t going to win by being the party of people no one wants to hang out with.

  6. Noem’s joke fell flat and Healy’s response also falls flat…all in all the governor loses more because of a higher position.

    I agree neither should go into comedy.

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