Democrats unifying… behind ousting their toxic chair

Looks like South Dakota Democrats are unifying behind a common cause.

Unfortunately for chairwoman Jennifer Slaight-Hansen, the cause they’re unifying behind is dumping her from party leadership:

“Your actions are unacceptable and unbefitting of the office they hold. We asked you to resign. You refused.


“Yesterday, our legal counsel resigned because of the split in our party caused by you, yet you failed to communicate this to our executive board. For all the above reasons, we are unified in upholding the South Dakota Democratic Party Constitution and recalling you as our SDDP Chair.”

Read the entire story here.

Pretty rare to see South Dakota Dems agree on anything. Yet they are managing to find common ground on the need to dump Jennifer Slaight-Hansen,

Stay tuned.

6 thoughts on “Democrats unifying… behind ousting their toxic chair”

  1. Let us all wish her well, and good luck in keeping her post. That would be most entertaining. Unfortunately, that fellow Mr. Nesiba seems out for her head. And when Mr. Nesiba wants your head, you have about a 40% chance of him getting it.

  2. Keeping her pants, not post…sorry. Mr. Nesiba….er…um…nevermind.

    Good luck, Ms. Slaight-Hansen. grudznick wishes you a long endeavor there at your current job, where you’re doing it bang up.

  3. Wasn’t Nesiba naked and accused of chasing a women around his apartment?
    Oh wait, that was just a misunderstanding. My bad.

  4. Don’t be fooled by the rocks that I got
    I’m still, I’m still Jenny from the block
    Used to have a little, now I have a lot
    No matter where I go, I know where I came from

  5. JSH has always been entitled but never very skilled at politics. She’s like a Jon Hansen: She talks politics but doesn’t do politics.

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