Did anyone ever tell Cole that’s a movie line?

Um, Cole (District 12 House candidate) you are aware that’s a movie line?

From Galaxy Quest?

I guess not.

Well, at least he wasn’t asking about calling Ghostbusters.

12 thoughts on “Did anyone ever tell Cole that’s a movie line?”

  1. 1. I’m sick of people copying Donald Trump’s twitter user name… “Real…” as opposed to fake?
    2. I looked at what his retweets and tweets are…nothing to do with District 12, national level politics. Keep it local, Cole, you’re running for state legislature not US House.
    3. Per the bio, he’s the treasurer of the Young Republicans…my experience on a national and state campaign with any state’s Young Republicans is that a) they don’t do anything for the candidates b) are looking for their 15 mins of fame taking selfies with the candidates hoping to get on the candidate’s social media page c) asking for money.

    1. Considering that young Mr. Heisey didn’t live in D12 as of a few months ago, it’s not surprising that he isn’t focused on D12.

  2. Ahhhh, Galaxy Quest, one of the best sci-fi movies ever. It’s amazing Tim Allen didn’t win an Oscar.

  3. Another anti-vaxxer/anti-masker? Great! Cannot wait until the next variant or pandemic which is inevitable. Pro-Life hypocrisy once again!

    1. Whether you mask or not,
      Whether you vax or not,
      Make your choice,
      And don’t be a jerk about it.

  4. Maybe his next quote can be: “you had a part people loved. I mean, my TV Guide interview was six paragraphs about my B*OBS and how they fit into my suit.”

    Seriously not worthy to quote one of the best movies of all time.

  5. If he quotes Babylon 5 and Pat gives him a hard time for it, Pat will no longer be invited to my birthday party. Someone do a wellness check with Pat.

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