District 12 House Candidate Cole Heisey says we’re all “lying” about him. We must all be out to get him.

Had a correspondent send this screen grab to me a few minutes ago..

So, supposedly there’s a “certain blogger strangely obsessed with lying” about Cole Heisey?  Hmph. I wonder who that would be?  Because the only things I’ve printed here are his own words written under his byline.

Such as a day or two ago when I pointed out him saying “Religious belief is a world-view, a fiction used to explain our present existence,” and “In tandem with meditation is the understanding that humanity needs a new one-world religion.”   I suppose I could be lying about him writing those words in the USD school Newspaper, the Volante. 

Or the time when he was said to have written that he “especially would like to make the case that monogamous relationships are outdated.

I mean, maybe they were lying about Cole writing it, when they put that column headline there.  Could be. Darn those rotten Volante Editors. How dare they put his name under a column like that?

You know, the thing is, it seems like people keep saying head scratching things about District 12 House Candidate Cole Heisey, and it all seems to be about him.

Such as the other night, there was a story going around where he was allegedly calling a gas station which had a sign up for his opponent. And as was related to me, he was intimating to someone that he thought the sign was up there to troll him, because he could see it from his apartment. …Because someone else running is all about him?

Darn you guys. Quit putting up those signs, because you’re picking on Cole.

11 thoughts on “District 12 House Candidate Cole Heisey says we’re all “lying” about him. We must all be out to get him.”

  1. The part about Cole that burns me isn’t even his extremist viewpoints that in the last two years have made Young Republicans look crazy, no, it’s the fact that he only moved to D12 a few months ago because he thought it would be an easier district to win. During redistricting, he even made a Facebook post saying “stay tuned” to what district he was going to run in because even he didn’t know. The blatant disrespect for D12 voters and their neighbors. It’s disingenuous. How many other candidates rented an apartment or quickly ran to a new address just to run there? It’s self serving and not the mindset of people we need in the Legislature.

  2. It would seem the Deity has shorted him the epidermal layer needed to be in politics.
    On the other hand, any publicity is good when you are unknown.

    1. Thin skin is a new prerequisite to be part of Trumps party. Just remember, everyone else is a liar or it is fake news. This is a win-win scenario and a test if the followers are dumb enough to believe it. Slowly we are getting there, don’t believe the evidence in front of your eyes, believe what we tell you. 2+2=5 .

  3. “Monogamy is outdated!” said the guy for whom this issue is entirely academic.

  4. we all had some pretty lame ideas in college so that isn’t news
    but it is creepy to be obsessed with only one of the 7 people running for the two District 12 seats in the House.
    Not sure what this is about

      1. Writes… you know this is written not said? Why is the fall back for commenters that because there isn’t a name with a comment it should be disregarded. Dan R no one knows who you are. So from this point forward everyone must attach their CV with every comment.

        1. Its a well known fact that Leftists will attack the home or office or business of anyone who disagrees with them. They also will publish names and addrsses.

          1. Ah yes, those leftists are so dangerous. Let’s take a look at the other side.
            Let’s rack it up, ready, here we go:

            Assasinated Medgar Evans (1963)
            Bombed the 16th Street Baptist Church (1963)
            Freedom Summer Murders (1964)
            Assassinated Viola Liuzzo (1964)
            Joseph Paul Franklin Murder Spree (1977-1980)
            The murder of Danny Lockin (1978)
            The Greensboro Massacre (1979)
            Lynching of Michael Donald (1981)
            The murder of Vincent Chin (1982)
            Murder of Alan Berg (1984)
            GoldMark Family Murder (1985)
            Murder of Mulugeta Seraw (1988)
            Murder of David Gunn (1993)
            Luigi’s Restaurant Shooting (1993)
            Ladies Center Shooting (1994)
            Brookline Abortion Clinic Shootings (1994)
            Oklahoma City Bombing (1995)
            Macedonia Baptist Church Arson (1995)
            We only just started getting into the greatest hits of the American right wing’s domestic terrorists.

            Let’s keep it up!

            Centennial Olympic Park Bombing (1996)
            Northside Family Planning Bombing (1997)
            Otherside Lounge Bombing (1997)
            Birmingham Abortion Clinic Bombing (1998)
            James Byrd’s Murder (1998)
            Murder of Matthew Shepard (1998)
            Murder of Barnett Slepian (1998)
            Murder of Gary Matson and Winfield Mowder (1999)
            Benjamin Smith’s Indiana and Illinois Murder Sprees (1999)
            Los Angeles Jewish Community Center Shooting (1999)
            Wedgewood Baptist Church Shooting (1999)
            Wow these right wing guys really like bombing and shooting innocent people! Specifically people that seems to disagree with them or speak against them.

            But noooo, no way way they’re as bad as the leftists, of course not.

            Though they did do a lot in the 90s, hmm, let’s keep it going! 2000s here we come!

            Pittsburgh Shootings (2000)
            Murder of Balbir Singh Sodhi (2001)
            Dallas Murder Sprees (2001)
            Manhunt and Shootings of Jacob Robida (2006)
            Death of Sean Kennedy (2007)
            Knoxville Church Shooting (2008)
            Woodburn Bank Bombing (2008)
            Assassination of George Tiller (2009)
            Yeah they shot up a Holocaust museum, but totally not like those leftists. Anyway let’s keep pushing:

            West Memphis Police Shootings (2010)
            Tucson Shootings (2011)
            Spokane Bombings (2011)
            Murder of James Craig Anderson (2011)
            Wisconsin Sikh Temple Shooting (2012)
            Los Angeles International Airport Shooting (2013)
            Overland Park Jewish Community Center Shooting (2014)
            Las Vegas Shootings (2014)
            Pennsylvania State Police Barracks Attack (2014)
            Charleston Church Shooting (2015)
            Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood Shooting (2015)
            Minneapolis Shooting (2016)
            Olathe, Kansas Shooting (2017)
            Murder of Timothy Caughman (2017)
            Portland Train Attack (2017)
            Assault of DeAndre Harris (2017)
            Charlottesville Car Attack (2017)
            Aztec High School Shooting (2017)
            Blaze Bernstein’s Murder (2018)
            US Mail Bombing Attempts (2018)
            Jefferstown Kroger Shooting (2018)
            Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting (2018)
            Escondido Mosque Arson (2019)
            Louisiana Multiple Black Church Fires (2019)
            Poway Synagogue Shooting (2019)
            Dallas Courthouse Shooting (2019)
            El Paso Shooting (2019)
            Boogaloo Killings (2020)
            And of course, as a veteran my all time favorite of the right wings greatest hits:

            The 2021 storming and assault on the United States Capitol in Washington D.C.

            Congratulations. You have proven that your vast generalizations don’t mean jack squat.

            1. Perhaps you could give some recent examples of right wingers calling for violence and performing acts of violence such as Maxine Waters does continuously. Or months of destruction, fire and pillaging during Covid burning/destroying federal buildings, police precincts, tearing down statues, lighting fire to police cars, looting businesses, etc. causing millions of dollars of damage and ruining tens of thousands of people’s lives while MSM says they’re ‘mostly peaceful’. That ONE summer of BLM, antifa and left wingers had more negative impact than your whole list of supposed right wing offenses (if even accurate).

              And now?? After shooting Steve Scalise, terrorizing a wife w/ a new baby at her own home, attacking Rand, Graham, Cruz and numerous others in their yards, restaurants and airports, let’s not forget the death threats to the Rittenhouse judge but now the Supreme Court’s personal homes?!?!?! The left, the party of hate and destruction has shown they stop at nothing.

              You don’t have a leg to stand on.

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