District 3 State Rep. Brandei Schaefbauer files for divorce in Roberts County

It does not look like Representative Brandei Schaefbauer had a good July. First she paid a speeding ticket she received in Potter County. And then she filed for divorce.

The filing, dated July 9th, cites “irreconcilable differences” and states further grounds exist under SDCL 25-4-2 (1) and (2). Those sections are regarding (1) Adultery; and (2) Extreme cruelty.

The filing also requests that alimony be provided for the District 3 State Representative.

No response has been filed in the civil action at this time.

18 thoughts on “District 3 State Rep. Brandei Schaefbauer files for divorce in Roberts County”

  1. Calm down. I’m sure Rep. Schaefbauer is fine with Pat sharing public documents; she supports government transparency. It’s not like Pat’s claiming [let’s not go there please -PP] or anything nefarious like that. He’s just sharing court documents – like he does with any public official, or candidate, that has dealings with the court in the state. There is a difference between tabloid dating gossip and legal court documents. This is a court document.

    1. I agree publicly elected officials and declared candidates are open to legal public record disclosures. We may not like it at times but it comes with the territory and depending on what it is could be a deal breaker for some voters. It could be looked upon as a better informed electorate whether it is an important issue for them or not.

  2. Either you are new to politics or it is another case of if it is a tribe or candidate I support it is off bounds. If it is the opposite it is fair game. These are public records. Some of this is a deal breaker to voters or some could care less.

  3. We just held a candidate forum at the Brown County Fair on Saturday & not one time this was ever mentioned during the course of that forum. This has gotten way too personal now.

    You can criticize her for her stance against Referred Law 21 who she would like to see defeated. This is clearly crossing the line of someone’s personal life.

      1. Yeah…she willingly spreads lies and hearsay about others with fervor but clutches her pearls when facts and truth are made public about her.
        Give me a break.
        If the truth hurts, you’re probably not a very good person!
        The whole “D3 team” deserves a heaping spoonful of that!

  4. It’s sad. Those of us who have experienced the pain of divorce know that even if you are the one who files, it’s like deciding to amputate a limb you can’t live with anymore.

  5. She went on the attack hard. Can’t wait to read response to demanding half plus alimony.

    Republicans focusing on the family.

  6. Because Brandei is the picture of grace and empathy? I have personally heard Brandei chastise and ridicule divorce and divorced people in the past.

    Let those without sin cast the first stone. And karma is a … Brandei.
    Sucks when you can dish it out, but you sure can’t take it! Then again, rules for thee, not for me – the motto of D3

  7. Brandei is the biggest bomb thrower in the legislature. If she can’t take then she should stop dishing it out.

  8. I’m glad she was able to get her divorce in before she votes to make them illegal unless both parties (the man) agree. God, County, Family, in that order, should govern us, and those chosen by Jesus and his brother Donald Trump, will lead us to eternal reward (money).

  9. Funny, there were comments on here yesterday suggesting this post was beneath the reputation of the Dakota War College and should not have been posted. Magically, they have all gone away.

  10. I hope you didn’t read SDCL 25-4-2 (1) and (2) before you decided Brandei had a bad day when she filed for divorce when you wrote this. Otherwise, you would look foolish.

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