The most unlikeable man in South Dakota, Toby Doeden, is shooting off his mouth again.
This time, on his revamped website, he’s making a completely unsubstantiated claim that the Republican legislators ousted in the 2022 Primary election were somehow corrupt:
“In 2024, he launched Dakota First Action, a political action committee that helped conservative outsiders win many elections across the state, ousting a dozen corrupt career politicians along the way.”
The guy who funded his PAC with an illegal donation (which he later claimed was a loan), is trying to say that people like Senator Jean Hunhoff, former Mayor of Yankton & one of South Dakota’s longest serving legislators or Rep. Bryon Callies, a National Vice Commander of the American Legion were somehow corrupt?
What a complete d-bag.
Career politicians? At the state level? In SD? Ok. Unless you’re retired, you go to Pierre and serve your district for 40 days and then go back home to your real job. People may have served for a long time, but that doesn’t it make it their career. For most it just meant that they were dedicated public servants. There’s always a few exceptions, but I’ve always found that claim of corrupt, “bought and paid for” state level politicians as laughable manipulation by uneducated or ill-intentioned jerks
If he will spend $3 million to run he will be credible.
Barnett, J
Some less effective than others.
Again, always exceptions and some are trying to make a “career” out of it. But not most. And to assume corruption, even with the “career” politicians is doing a great disservice to the institution. It’s a word that can be thrown around to cause great damage without proof of validity in any way. We like to act like SD politicians are somehow “big league” like the Washington elites. I have a hard time believing that anyone at the state level is bought and paid for by a PAC that gave them $1,000. It’s just manipulation tactics by the next wave. And in 2 to 4 years the cycle begins to repeat.
That SOB was NOT born and raised in Aberdeen. We do not claim nor want this douch bag. Groton can have him and keep him. BORN AND RAISED AND GRADUATED IN GROTON SD.
He was known as a school bully with rocks in his head at Groton
Looking forward to his official campaign for office announcement. Get the burn barrels out and throw those Doeden dollars into the fire.
It would be fun to watch while enjoying an ice cold Grain Belt.
Pat may have to increase ad rates during a Doeden campaign.
He will get serious traction. Just watch.
From WHO?! He has zero credibility. Zero qualifications to hold the chief seat. Zero respect for fellow citizens and no professional courtesy or an ounce of professionalism.
He’s already mounted the minimal traction he can with the crazies, unfortunate for him, that’s all he’s got.
The rest of us have to sit through the punishment of listening to him bang his chest and pretend to be the inflatable D-list version of Donald Trump
He must be counting on that 17% turnout to carry him home. The state will be lucky not to end up with a democrat in the governor’s mansion with all the stupidity being pushed by Doden and his minions.
Traction my ass!
Everyone made fun of Trump.
Everyone laughed at the idea Noem could beat Herseth.
Everyone thought Rounds had no shot.
Thune couldn’t beat Johnson he can’t beat Daschle.
Everyone is right until they are wrong.
What he says is popular in SD with the Republican Party primary voters.
None of the people who’ve ran have had any money. If he spends millions of dollars he will get tens of thousands of votes.
100-120k people will vote in the June primary. If Dusty, Rhoden and Doeden run I find it hard to say he can’t get up to the 49k votes Taffy Howard got in 2020.
Rhoden and Dusty can fight over the other 70k votes.
Doeden’s base will vote in a blizzard in June.
Who knows what will happen but I think it’s foolish to act like he won’t have a following.
Would not be surprised given Toby Doeden’s track record if he kicked off his campaign with a stiff arm salute and his crazy gullible followers return it in defiance.
Well, your kind of stupid.
If you are going to insult someone, try not to look like an idiot.
Still doesn’t change the fact that YOU ARE stupid.
Dusty benefited with a divided hard right (Tapio & Krebs).
This time around the hard right will be unified (Doeden) and the sane republicans will be divided between (Rhoden & Johnson).
Doeden is not Trump. He’s not Noem. He’s not Rounds. He’s not Thune. These four understand politics. You can go after those in your party who are on the fringe or say/do stupid things while still holding strong with the greater majority. Doeden is the fringe and the one saying/doing stupid things while going after the majority of the party. He got extremely lucky this last go around with the lowest voter turnout since SD began combining presidential and other primary races in 2000. The crazies showed up to vote in droves while most republicans stayed home. He’s not smart enough to figure that out and is seeing it as though the vast majority of republicans love him. He’s also not smart enough to switch gears and start working with main stream, moderate, and traditional republicans. He likes the sound of his own spiteful voice and will cause him to fail in a spectacular way. Which I am very much looking forward to.
I look forward to him actually running and displaying to the entire state just how big a D-bag he and ALL of his cronies and supporters are.
Corrupt??? Perry is bought and paid for by him. That is what a corrupt politician looks like in the dictionary.
I mean let’s just talk about him supporting Al? Is that not his definition of “the enemy” ?
Not one of the incumbents that lost were corrupt, or bought off. Common sense conservatives to a person. They cared about all their constituents and the future of our state.
The lies being spread by the unhinged right is corruption. Bought and paid for by Doden.
Doeden blatantly violated campaign finance laws to fund his efforts, then ridiculously called his donation a “loan” to avoid prosecution. Seems pretty corrupt.
I did not think Callies was corrupt, I just did not agree with a lot of his vote while in office. Actually I could not see where he brought anything to the table for Codington County. But corrupt, no.
Why give him any air time? He’s a loser.
Well he’s winning, and their side is getting more & more power. Underestimate at your peril.
upshot: trump keeps making it look too easy to slide to the top of maga-dom. his example keeps inspiring his followers.
I don’t know who is posting on here about him having a chance at a statewide, probably his cronies are planting comments or one of the benefactors from the last campaign.
I will remind his cronies/benefactors that lying reveals something special about a person. Reasons can range from simple insecurity, character flaws, or lack of a strong self-esteem. Also, to gain personal advantage, but I doubt it is that straight forward in his case.
South Dakotans can sniff out weak fools and liars. He doesn’t have a chance.