Doeden PAC blasting text messages with fake attacks on Jordan Youngberg, claiming he supports LGBTQ agenda and planned parenthood.

Tom Pischke’s minders must be seeing some problems in Tom’s campaign. Because last night, they launched a below-the-belt false attack through the group being run by their buddy, the thick-necked, greasy weasel known as Toby Doeden.

With an attack that wasn’t on anyone’s bingo card, rounds of fake and unsubstantiated text messages fanned out across District 25 claiming Jordan Youngberg “supports the LGBTQ agenda” and “planned parenthood,” and actually claimed Youngberg is “so clearly a covert member of the Democrat Party.

When attacking, it helps is something is demonstrably provable. But this text message reads like it was authored by someone in middle school. (He’s running in your district as a Republican?!? Yeah right…). More often than not, when attacks are this shrill, there’s a problem.

I have the feeling that Tom & Toby’s attacks might be a sign that they see it slipping away, and it’s an act of desperation.

Less than a week to go, so we’ll have to watch and see what other schoolyard taunts they try to throw out there.

16 thoughts on “Doeden PAC blasting text messages with fake attacks on Jordan Youngberg, claiming he supports LGBTQ agenda and planned parenthood.”

  1. It’s funny that Toby “I put my name on everything” Doeden didn’t want to put his name on this. As I recall, the last push text messages included his full name.

  2. Why doesn’t he put his name on his car dealership? Like billion or prostrollo or the 20 others in SD?

  3. This is how the Trumpers work. Scare and lie to people to get them to submit while campaign finance laws be damned. They are above the law in their attempts to destroy this country because they are a bunch of uneducated morons.

    1. This is how Biden and the libturd democRATS work. Scare and lie to people to get them to submit while campaign finance laws and FARA Laws be damned. They are above the law in their attempts to destroy this country because they are a bunch of uneducated morons.

      …there, I fixed it for you.

      1. “I know you are but what am I.” About the level of retort expected, to be honest. Are you rubber? Is he glue? Does whatever he says stick to him after it bounced off you?

    2. This is how the Nelsonites worked. Stace Nelson launched similar attacks using Robocalls and made his co-conspirator Dan Willard take the fall for it. Is Gary Dykstra involved this time, too?

  4. This is Tom’s MO
    He did the same thing to Tammy Grove (her surname was Fenner in 2018) with a postcard mailing sent out by one of his allies, just days before primary day, stating she was opposed to the 2A.

    He could get away with saying he didn’t know they would do that back then. I suspected he was behind it at the time, so did she.
    Don’t be fooled.
    This is his doing.

    1. I would say a HUUUUGGEE difference in that is Youngberg has a A rated score with 2nd amendment and 100% on abortion, along with the rest of these false claims. I have a feeling this will strike Youngberg’s fuse. I know from growing up in the same town that kid came from nothing and he works his tails off, this will be no difference. Pischke just started a shit storm in the district and especially Dell Rapids. Youngberg grew up there and blood is thicker than water, I believe Tom just fired up Youngberg’s base.

      1. Tom has lit my fuse, that’s for sure. I let him get away with claiming he wasn’t party to the complaints about me being photographed with Jordan during a Christmas parade line-up (I was there as Mrs Claus, but was not in costume as I do not drink cocoa while wearing an Arctic Fox coat) and it appeared I was campaigning with him.
        He’ll get his minions to do the dirty work for him.
        I’ve had it. Gloves are off.

  5. You mean the 2 billion in $@ud! dollars to Trumps kids or all that Russian cash they paid Trump to identify and kill American spies? Maybe it was the documents Trump was hiding in his bathroom and refused to give up? Or the hush money payments to porn stars that he attempted to hide? No? Maybe it was the fake electors and j6 idiots he used to subvert a democratic election?

    1. All talking points by the libbies and all have been shown to be false. I know it’s been hard for your type since the dakota septic tank was plugged but please try to stay current with the information.

    2. Seriously, if people were comparing Culver’s frozen custard, Dairy Queen and SDSU ice cream would it trigger a rant from you about Trump? Or could you just sit down and let people talk about ice cream?
      Does your brain hurt from all the space Trump occupies in it?

  6. The Republican Party is imploding and I am enjoying the show. Party is getting rid of all the sane people by uplifting Trump’s fascist agenda. The Republican Party will be dead shortly, alongside the Democrat party. While one moves increasingly to the left, and the other to the far reaches of the right. The rest of us in the middle are screwed!

  7. The fact Toby Doeden talks about gay people constantly and can’t shut the hell up about them makes me think he’s got some repressed feelings he’s too scared to deal with in a productive manner.

  8. Agree with Anonymous 12:34am. Years ago I would never send anyone I knew to purchase vehicles from Toby or any business he owned. Total slime ball and now everyone gets to see it unless they are duped by this guy from what I see.

    Upstanding Christian? Toby? Sounds like a typical car sales pitch he often used where he will be anything you want him to be as long as he makes a sale. As much as he is fixated with LGBT and Trans I could easily see him using their specific escort services or be in a relationship in LA, Vegas or overseas. Most likely projection.

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