Does IM29 get a boost from President Trump’s statement in favor of legalization?

That’s quite the statement coming from President Trump with regards to the legalization of marijuana.

Does that mean the initiated measure 29 people are going to get a boost from his support?

32 thoughts on “Does IM29 get a boost from President Trump’s statement in favor of legalization?”

  1. The Trump campaign showing signs of desperation by scraping the bottom of the barrel for votes and further demonstrates he is sliding even further into mental decline.

  2. Absolutely. Trump the populist is exactly that, a reflection of the people, and this is the direction the people want. You can hate weed, but you cant deny prohibition has been a failure by every measure. As conservatives we should reject wasting money and resources on something the law can’t stop and the people want. Tax and regulate cannabis with common sense. Worth $33B in the U.S. alone.

  3. Yes! If South Dakotans are concerned about their taxes, living expenses and quality of life now wait till this predatory industry that is known for shady practices and opposing, avoiding or not complying with regulations goes fully commercialized. Then there is the black market which is the real winner in all this that will always be cheaper. Costs to South Dakotans substantially will exceed revenue across the board.

    Thanks Trump! Race to the bottom.

  4. When a SD Attorney General has killed more people in SD than this particular plant, you need to ask yourself why we are spending property tax dollars arresting adults for their own choices when they aren’t affecting others. I have no problem with my property taxes being used to keep violent offenders off the street but I’m tired of my taxes going up arrest people for something they can legally buy 20 mins away.

    Trump is absolutely correct, again; this is legal to buy for adults 21+ in over half the country and SD is still giving out Felonies for it. The state needs to stop “ruining lives” and fix the lives they have already wrecked.

    1. But, but, Kristi Noem said she’s never seen anyone get smarter by using cannabis and that’s a good reason to overturn people’s votes.

        1. Oooh! Sick burn! I betcha this fella made his wife come over and look at this edgy comment before he posted it!


  5. What’s the difference between the two candidates now, legalize marijuana, protect abortion, expand Obamacare to pay for IVF? I thought he was going to repeal Obamacare. Sure, he still has more hate for people, but it is getting too similar.

  6. Former President Trump has always been a Libertarian when it comes to personal behavior and right now he sees no votes coming his way if he opposes legalization. He is forced to support both a ban on Abortion and the easy access to automatic weapons by the American public as there are a large and active constituencies for both causes who might abandon him if he did otherwise. With Pot legalization it is a near wash. Only the most adamant Conservatives oppose Pot legalization and they have no one else they can vote for.

        1. And had sexual relations with a pr0n star while his wife was pregnant, then paid her out of his “campaign” funds to keep her quiet?

  7. What has always puzzled me is why the issue is so important to some people, that they devote so much energy and time to it. Are their lives so miserable they need weed? Don’t they have any other interests? Seeing them out collecting signatures for this cause, I wondered why they didn’t have anything else to do. One can only conclude that they are unemployed incels who spend most of their time playing video games in their parents’ basements.

    1. Many of these weed addicts are very angry people with unresolved issues that require the hard work of dealing with their issues which can be a painful yet rewarding journey while being sober. Instead they take the easy path and self medicate numbing themselves with THC which can make their issues even worse. Their unhealthy behavior not only negatively affects them but ends up hurting others too being a widespread ripple effect.

      Then we have the sellouts that will sell their souls and throw the rest of us under the bus by profiting in one way or another off these drugs politically or financially. We end up paying the high costs.

      1. Wait, I thought these people were miserable with no interests, living in their parent’s basement playing video games. Now they are dangerous? Which one is it, because this will affect my vote?

        1. All of the above. The industry which profits from this tells them it will cure every ailment known to humans and there are no downsides to using as much as they want. All those claims being absolutely false.

    2. Your comment is precisely why people want it because you somehow think you can dictate their lives. One can only conclude your mental illness is so severe the delusions seem real to you. Sure, you haven’t ever met an “unemployed incel who spends time in their parent’s basement”, but that doesn’t matter; your mind will make it real. What other types of decisions do you want to remove from everyone’s life, and you make for them, because you are such a superior human being? Indeed, you will be given an award in an after-life for all your devoted energy, time, concern, and obsession with everyone else’s life and decisions. Though Jesus didn’t document this in the bible, surely, it was implied that you should force your delusions on everyone by force, that will gurantee a seat at the table with White Jesus and his brother Donald Trump.

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