Toby Doeden is at it again.
First Toby features Mark “the self-described nazi” Robinson at his Dakota First PAC ‘gala’ after everyone including the Republican Governors Association, President Trump’s, campaign, and practically everyone are running from this guy.
Now in his latest, he’s commanded his Political Action Committee to endorse an independent against a life-long conservative Republican.

This is coming from Toby Doeden, who after voting in one Republican primary, and despite his track record in taking millions of government handouts, declares himself a conservative leader in the state? And in an even more embarrassing example of his stupidity, tries to claim that Senator Duhamel has been “unable to deliver solutions.”
Especially considering the extensive laundry list of accomplishments by Senator Duhamel, which she just reminded people of in a postcard that hit in the last week:

Senator Duhamel delivering for jobs, business support, healthcare, education, and public safety, and a lifetime Rapid City resident who’s family helped build that community. I’m not sure what more they’re looking for, unless Toby is looking for an easily controllable stooge, which would not be Senator Duhamel.
Helene has also delivered for conservative Republicans, and has the voting record to prove it:
Protecting SD Kids – 100%
Real Conservative Scorecard – A Rated.
Elevate Rapid City – 100%
South Dakota Right to Life – 100%
And there’s also the other one.

In the NRA Scorecard, Senator Duhamel comes in at an A-, and is the NRA Endorsed candidate when Indy Karen apparently wouldn’t even return their survey. Pro-gun Helene Duhamel, against a Karen who would not give the NRA the time of day.
So what do they see in Karen McNeal? As I understand it, she only recently moved to South Dakota. She’s most definitely is NOT the republican in the race. Why is Doeden PAC so interested in “declaring Republicans and Democrats can agree” and pushing a carpetbagging Independent against the solid Republican in this race?
Because it’s about control. Doeden PAC has no loyalty to the GOP, and they’re looking to buy politicians who are easily controlled.
You can only hope that real Republicans see right through it.
You hit the nail on the head. He only works with and employs people that 100% do what he says and agree with him on every day to day decision. I can only hope that voters see through the scam. This guy has an ego so big he uses filters to put him image online.
So I guess you don’t like politicians who alter their appearance to make them more attractive?
The answer to that would be no.
It’s almost like it could apply to both.
Senator Helene Duhamel won her primary and is the official SDGOP endorsed candidate in District 32.
Republicans support our candidates after our voters speak in primaries. That’s why we need to vote no on H, and District 32 Republicans need to support Senator Helene Duhamel.
More proof of the need for H.
The party isn’t backing or doing anything to help the chosen candidate. Plus “conservatives” groups that are filling the void of leadership in the party are now actively working against their “candidate”.
We need less party power, and more voter party – the parties lost touch on their purpose.
You say that the “parties” have lost touch with their purpose, but I would maintain that if you have any problem with government in South Dakota, you look squarely at the Republicans. Why? Becuase Democrats have been completely insignificant. The last two legislative sessions, around 90% of seats were occupied by Republicans. So, in essence, every decision that has been made in South Dakota has been made by Republicans. While many wish for this, I have to wonder if that’s a positive thing. The Republican party I fondly remember wasn’t split into two groups – each accusing the other of being wrong on everything. The Republican party is lucky the Democratic party is so inept. But can it be that way forever?
Do you think he even meets the people he endorses? Because I KNOW he hasn’t met Helene Duhamel, to be able to say things this atrocious about such a salt of the earth human, and excellent legislator.
South Dakotans can tell he is just blatantly lying about the good people he opposes, right?
I’m not sure if they will be able to tell he’s lying. Voters have been inundated with so many lies – and those have just been brushed off over and over again. When you have the head of your party – who some would accuse of being a liar – that somehow makes it acceptable for others to lie. When you have a head of a party that harshly demeans everyone who disagrees with him – that somehow makes it acceptable for others to mimic that behavior. So you know the old axiom, “you-know-what runs downhill.” You are now experiencing the effects of that. I’m not, because I have been able to maintain my ability to tell lies from truth. Many others are not so fortunate.
Too many good legislators were taken out by lazy people who didn’t vote, or people who were fooled by the lies of peeps like Mills, Odenbach, May, Schaefbauer and others.
Does anyone really want to be endorsed by a Nazi-affiliated group like DFA?
Doeden is another anti-government Libertarian hypocrite and is closely associated with the others up in Aberdeen. He is a walking talking contradiction being a true RINO.
LOL Carpetbagging Karen, she was the only candidate for district 32 that can say all of the following are true:
Born in South Dakota
Raised in South Dakota
Went to school in South Dakota
Went to College in South Dakota