Dumpster Fire bonus post. Caroline Woods behind the curtain in Doeden campaign (Updated)

*Update*. I thought a new graphic would be more appropriate. 

Hadn’t paid much attention to the actual press release that went out this morning for Toby Doeden announcing that he’s going to back out of challenging Congressman Dusty Johnson in the race for US House.

But as I went and re-read it, a name not unknown popped up..

Apparently Doeden is working with disgruntled former Noem staffer Caroline Woods, who spent a chunk of the last election attacking Governor Kristi Noem as not being conservative enough, despite Noem being the – if not one of the – most conservative Governors in the nation.

Woods is married to Family Heritage Alliance/Family Voice director Norman Woods, who has also come under fire for his attacks against the Governor, which came to the point where the Governor declared in late 2022 that the Governor’s office “will no longer work with the Alliance until and unless its executive director chooses to act professionally” after his attacks against the state’s top Republican leader.

Takeaways? Well, #1, I call bullsh*t that they’re going to raise anything approaching a million dollars. And #2 – We have yet to see a committee filing any public disclosure on anything that Doeden has spent in his failed effort.  Coming after his effort crashed and burned after about a month, it seems like a lot of false bravado trying to claim all these things Toby and his hired flak Caroline are going to do unless and until we actually see a committee and they file a finance report, which remains to be seen.

But considering the players and all the attacking both do against the leading Republicans in the state, it may provide some explanation why they never used the word “Republican” in any of their efforts.

13 thoughts on “Dumpster Fire bonus post. Caroline Woods behind the curtain in Doeden campaign (Updated)”

  1. It looks to me that Toby Doeden has now claimed he will build and personally fund the largest Coalition of Conspiracy Enthusiasts in South Dakota history!

    He will be looking to support and fund Wackadoodle candidates!

    Is Aberdeen now competing with the Black Hills as the insaner than most zip code?

    The Democrats should look forward to this.

    1. Given the body of evidence and information already out there that is supposedly “conspiratorial”, this kind of assertion goes against the collective mind-share of the vast majority of the voting public at the present time. It helps the challengers.

      That alone is not enough to turn the tables, however, but it sure does help.

      1. John Dale you can be the first candidate Doeden supports in his new Coalition of Conspiracy Enthusiasts of South Dakota.

        Which seat would you run for?

    2. As long as Mr. Novstrup, the elder, is running the place, Aberdeen will not ever get insaner than the District Numbered 30, Mr. Anonymous.

      1. You’re right. As long as Al thinks he’s in charge, D3 will just continue to do nothing, and fight fights that aren’t fights. Oh and don’t forget those great pieces of go-kart legislation. Do-nothing-Novstrup is just as bad as Dist 30!

  2. If I understand the network of folks combing the countryside for political troops .. there is more than a million there, but it will be on the sidelines unless some kind of reasonable strategy surfaces, and the people promulgating it can achieve adequate security.

    A good principle for all involved .. no matter who wins what election, we have to live with the outcome and be prepared to work from sound policy analysis.

    I see the biggest shortcoming of challengers as comms and messaging discipline (very difficult to select from what is true, and not saturate the bandwidth and attention acuity of the audience).

  3. Anyone would be lucky to have Norman or Caroline advising them personally or politically. High quality people with great hearts for service.

    1. It may be that Toby Doeden did not want the level of scrutiny he and his various enterprises would be under. His initial trash talk of Dusty and announcing he was exploring a run brought up all kinds of questions locals have long wanted to know, It now calls to question if he ever had any intention of running but just bring more self serving attention, If he forms this new organization he should still face scrutiny.

      The social conservatives that are falling for this guy lose credibility themselves by being so gullible and not preforming due diligence. They seem to be vulnerable to cults of personality. Do as I say not as I do. Typical for these types.

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