Elevate Rapid City pro-business scorecard out. 7 legislators score 100% Taffy Howard at bottom with 40% score

Elevate Rapid City has their third annual pro-business scorecard out for people to see ranking the pro-business acumen of Rapid City area legislators. Seven of them (Tim Goodwin, Becky Drury, Chris Johnson, Helene Duhamel, Mike Derby and Jessica Castleberry) had perfect 100% scores.

Surprisingly, self-proclaimed small businesswoman and Congressional Candidate Taffy Howard ended up with the lowest score with only 40% of her votes being ranked pro-business:

Read more about it here at Elevate Rapid City.

16 thoughts on “Elevate Rapid City pro-business scorecard out. 7 legislators score 100% Taffy Howard at bottom with 40% score”

  1. Can’t wait for this primary to be over so Laffy Taffy fades away. The trouble of course is that these people truly believe everyone supports them.

  2. grudznick is not done with the annual Conservatives with Common Sense Scorecard of Scorecards, but here’s a little spoiler alert: this particular scorecard will score pretty well

  3. She’s supposed to represent Rapid City yet she’s the very worst at it. So why would we pick her to represent SD? (HINT: We won’t.)

  4. It’s getting close to castleberry’s time. Taffy’s is over. Jessica is the new rising star and ready to move up when the deck is shuffled.

  5. I don’t understand how Julie F-M and Phil J keep getting re-elected out there. They must have some underground following that I haven’t encountered, or everyone I talks to lies to me.

  6. I’m sorry….but I mostly see a lot of corporate welfare on this scorecard. IMHO not the proper role of government.

  7. Continuing with the , “are you kidding me??”. The last time Elevate collected votes on business friendly voting, the same legislators who were not supportive of business, were listed same as above. Not liking being shown for who they are, all but 1 refused to show up for any of the Cracker Barrels in the Black Hills. Reminds us of children who when they don’t get their way, take their toys & go home. It’s bad enough that Julie F M & Phil J get elected, now Jensen’s wife, Janet, is running for SD Senate seat 33. She lost her last election so here’s hoping they keep her out of Pierre once again.
    As to Jessica being a rising star :>), in her own mind only.

  8. Score 100% on this scorecard (or a similar “pro-business” version by the Sioux Falls chamber cronies) –
    “Tell me you are a liberal corporatist without telling me you are actually a Democrat.”
    #TheTellMeChallenge of South Dakota politics.
    Need to make the challenge more popular in Minnehaha County.

        1. No, they are right. I know the meme, you just didn’t write clearly. Also, I love that we are now digging so low for “bad guys” in South Dakota politics that we will literally accuse republicans of beings dems just so you can continue to blame it all on the democrats, even when they aren’t in power.

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