Former Legislator Mike Verchio would not appear to be a fan of Julie Frye Mueller, Dakota Scout and Citizens for Liberty, among others.

You can go read the entire thing when it’s posted, but in the Hill City Prevailer tonight, a former Legislator is letting the public know what he thinks about Julie Frye Mueller, and a few others.


As published in the HIll City Prevailer.

I don’t think Jon Ellis and Joe Sneve intended to get the Dakota Scout newspaper all caught up in the web of JFM sycophants, but I’ll leave it to them to defend themselves.

18 thoughts on “Former Legislator Mike Verchio would not appear to be a fan of Julie Frye Mueller, Dakota Scout and Citizens for Liberty, among others.”

  1. For some crazy reason many hard right folks think JFM and her band of brothers are the answer and don’t question their tactics. Mike is right!
    That blossoming of reasoning will result in the GOP’s decline in South Dakota.

  2. Sen. Frye-Mueller has been critical of The Dakota Scout’s coverage of the workplace harassment saga. And we regularly have to explain to Freedom Caucus members why we don’t see value in covering the issues they want coverage of. Jonathan and I pride ourselves in covering the news objectively and without favoritism to any particular political factions. Our coverage should do the talking, not inclusion on some list made by some random political activist. But we appreciate his readership.

    1. Joe, I don’t think anyone believes you’re actually a “radical-right agitator” or part of that crew’s nuttery. Kind of a “Hey, I’m not with those guys” moment.

  3. Mr. Sneve, grudznick thinks you are a radical-right agitator, but not part of JFM’s band of nuttery. I’m just sayin…

  4. Hats off to Mike and his willingness to publicly address what many District 30 voters truly believe. It’s time for all of this nonsense to stop and JFM and her party of miscreants to ride off into the sunset or off a cliff – whichever works.

  5. Thank you Rep Mike Verchio. You have always been a person of integrity. You are spot on. I get many emails from people in your district that are embarrassed by their Senator . Good people need to make a difference. You have two really good House members, so the rest of South Dakota knows that the majority of the southern Hills voters are really good people

    1. Dear Anon 9:57 are you actually saying that asking a subordinate in an office that you control if they believe in baby feeding by way of lactation inducement by their husband is normal? Or for dear God inferring that said husband should start suckling on subordinate’s breasts to install breast feeding?
      70,000,000,000 You Tube videos and not one carrying this message…..

  6. It is painful to watch JFM and her seat mate during session online. Their antics and JFMs defiant thumb-voting is ridiculous. I had always thought the SD Senate was the more prestigious, respected chamber. JFM and Pischke have turned it into their private manure spreading pity party. One or the other or both are usually the lone NO vote(s) on nearly every piece of legislation. Don’t believe it, go to the Senate journal and see for yourself. Sad. I can’t wait for session to be over.

  7. The Dakota Bigot aka The Dakota Scout is doing her JFM’s dirty work too? One big concentrated manure pit.

    At least we can grab a stack of The Dakota Bigots at the store and use them to line bird cages.

  8. Mike is a straight shooter and it would be great to see him in the SD Senate. He was a good legislator. Many have commented on how crazy this session has been. But it’s not all because of JFM & cronies. There is a tyrant in their midst who caused all of this in the first place. There are some senators who follow him like blind sheep and it’s getting them in trouble & adding to the problems in the legislature. Senators, beware, there is a crazy fox in your coop.

    1. people who can remember the past fifty years can certainly pick out tyrants for themselves thanks.

  9. Mike Verchio was a statesman. Maybe the southern Hills voters will take head. Well done Mr. Verchio.

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