Freedom Caucus hires Oklahoman as new state director

There are reports today that the South Dakota Freedom Caucus (or free-dumb caucus, if you will) has hired a new state director.

Hannah Determan, an Oklahoman who recently graduated from South Dakota State University had been active in the Young Americans for Liberty Libertarian Party affiliated group in Brookings, which she helped organize in 2023, according to the SDSU Collegian:

The Senate unanimously approved the club constitution for Young Americans for Liberty.

“Basically, our club is a coalition of Libertarian and conservative students that we are training in grassroots lobbying,” Hannah Determan, the club’s vice president, said.

Read that here.

We’ll see how that goes. Considering the membership of the group is largely secret, that might be one hurdle she has to cross.

Stay tuned.

2 thoughts on “Freedom Caucus hires Oklahoman as new state director”

  1. More proof that those in the freedom caucus aren’t actually republicans, but rather libertarians. They refuse to make the distinction because they fear they would lose elections if they ran on the appropriate ticket.

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