Friends of Zachary Kovach 2023 Year End FEC Report: $880 raised, $2572.78 spent, negative $1302.76 cash on hand. $390.02 owed.

The announced Democrat in the race for Congress, Zach Kovach has filed his latest FEC Report for his committee “Friends of Zachary Kovach.” And in reading, it’s clear Zach needs to find some more friends.

Friends of Zachary Kovach 2023 YE by Pat Powers on Scribd

$880 raised, $2572.78 spent, a negative $1302.76 cash on hand, with 390.02 owed.

It’s tough enough trying to run a campaign from another state, where he’s located in Colorado, but doing so when it’s doing nothing but costing him money, I kind of feel bad for him at this point. Not enough to send him money mind you. But jeez. This is not looking like it’s going in a direction that will bring him success.

Might be time for Zach to cut bait before it gets more expensive.