5 thoughts on “From one legislative colleague to another – keep the faith!”

  1. I miss Jeff Monroe. I wish he’d run again… the Senate was so much more fun to watch when Monroe and Youngberg were in it!

  2. Jeff Monroe is one of the most conservative people to ever serve South Dakota, even by the group that has attacked Youngberg. He obviously can see through dirty politics. What does that tell you about them. Asking for a friend.

  3. But yet we’re totally cool with the presidential nominee fabricating disgusting mud to throw.

    1. you must be a lot of fun to live with. Are you even capable of doing the laundry without going on a rant about Trump? What are your dinner conversations like? How do you respond when asked to pass the salt? Do you rant about Trump and Strategic Arms Limitation Treaties? Or can you just shut up and eat?

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