GOP Chairman’s Letter: Larry Rhoden – A Record of Getting Things Done

(Just a note from the editor. The South Dakota GOP has begun a weekly column which will be featured at the SDWC with our regular weekend feature of guest columnists – PP)

Larry Rhoden: A Record of Getting Things Done
By Dan Lederman, Chairman
South Dakota Republican Party

This past weekend one of the largest gatherings of Republicans in state history came together in Pierre to nominate Larry Rhoden; my past colleague, my friend, and a true leader of our state to be South Dakota’s next Lieutenant Governor.

I first got to know Larry Rhoden while he was serving as Majority Leader of the House of Representatives in 2005. He invited me into the House Republican Caucus meeting where I got to see him leading the members of the caucus in a discussion on the legislation of the day. In particular for me, it was an inspiration to see him lead the members on a very important and complex discussion on a piece of legislation. He was eloquent, determined and was able to get his caucus together.

It was after that caucus meeting that I knew I wanted to be a member of the legislature.

What can I tell you about my friend? Larry Rhoden is a lifelong public servant. He served in his church growing up, in the South Dakota National Guard after high school, on the local school board, and finally in the state legislature.

When Kristi Noem chose him to be her running mate, it was important to Kristi that the Lieutenant Governor understand that it’s not about them. It’s about service, which Larry has been doing his entire life.

As you might already suspect, Larry is an experienced leader with a record of getting things done. He intimately understands how the state legislature works, has been repeatedly elected to leadership, and can fulfill one of the core responsibilities of Lieutenant Governor, which is to preside over the Senate.

Larry Rhoden shares the core conservative principles Kristi Noem has run and already won election on, and deeply believes in her vision for South Dakota. Kristi has put forward Four Pillars of Protection as the foundation of her administration: She won’t raise taxes, won’t grow government, will fight federal intrusion on South Dakota’s way of life, and will increase transparency.  Larry has proven he will uphold those same principle.

And Larry is a true partner with Kristi. He worked with Kristi to reform South Dakota’s tax code, led efforts to repeal the so-called “Trucker’s Tax,” and shaped legislation to limit the government’s eminent domain authority. His work earned him the American Conservative Union’s highest ranking in 2017, and he holds one of the highest lifetime ACU rankings of any of South Dakota’s state legislators.  There are people who like to see their name in the news who claim to be conservative. But Larry doesn’t need to be in the news. And he doesn’t have to boast. He lives it and walks the path every day.

One final note, as you’re finding out more about the candidates.  I can tell you from experience that Larry is a straight shooter. He’s a good husband and father. He’s honest, and he says it like it is.

That has earned him the trust of not just his colleagues, but also of Kristi, our next Governor.

In January, I’m looking forward to my friend standing by our next Governor Kristi Noem, and leading the Senate as our state’s next Lieutenant Governor Larry Rhoden.

10 thoughts on “GOP Chairman’s Letter: Larry Rhoden – A Record of Getting Things Done”

  1. “Kristi has put forward Four Pillars of Protection as the foundation of her administration: She won’t raise taxes, won’t grow government, will fight federal intrusion on South Dakota’s way of life, and will increase transparency.”

    I’m behind Larry and Kristi 100%

    Vote Straight Ticket Republican

  2. What a strong, solid Republican ticket these two are!
    Very well said, Dan.

  3. Larry’s presence on the ticket has ensured my vote for Kristi. I didn’t cast my ballot for Noem in June, but I will gladly vote for Noem/Rhoden in November.

  4. Getting things done is exactly right. Voted by legislative peers over and over into leadership roles. Great pick, great ticket in November!

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