GOP Challenger candidates go full-crazy fringe yesterday at Back-Alley Pierre Rally

Yesterday in Pierre, several of the alternative statewide Republican candidates held a rally in the side street off the back of the State Capital between Broadway Avenue and Church Avenue.

And according to this story by KELOland, they gave us a full throated viewing of why they are not going to get elected. Because they tended to sound completely bat-shit crazy.

“We’re discovering that there was a plan-demic, that there was eugenics going on around the world, that we did have a stolen election,” said Whalen, wearing a Trump 2024 hat with the slogan ‘Make Votes Count Again.’

Read that actual quote here.

Wow! There “was a plan-demic, that there was eugenics going on around the world?!?” Someone needs to get a hook and yank Bruce off the stage. Because at this point, he’s hurting the GOP brand.

Unfortunately, Congressional challenger Taffy Howard wasn’t sounding any more grounded in reality..

“Our kids are being told to fill out grids to figure out where they fall on the oppressor and oppressed scale. And yeah, you guessed it, probably — the top on the oppressor is the white, English-speaking, Christian male,” Howard said.

Read that crazy talk here.

Really? Can Taffy point to any oppressor-grids being used in any South Dakota schools?

Or better yet, did she consider bringing any oppressor-grid legislation during the 2022 legislative session if it was such a concern? Probably not, because that might’ve required her to show up. (Not that she could’ve passed it.)

Seriously. Taffy skips voting on impeachment, but she’s front and center to talk about oppressor grids? Ugh.

Instead of issues that actually affect the everyday lives of South Dakota families, and business owners, the rally participants just decided to be a live performance of your crazy aunt’s Facebook feed.

And an embarrassment to those who are concerned about actually making lives better. Not to mention winning elections.

27 thoughts on “GOP Challenger candidates go full-crazy fringe yesterday at Back-Alley Pierre Rally”

  1. “Because they tended to sound completely bat+shit crazy.”

    I would agree if… you’d have left out the first five words.

  2. As a life long Republican, these individuals concern me more than many of the Democrat candidates…

    1. Just do the following, which seems to work for many at the DWC:

      1. Identify Republican member behaving this way
      2. Intimate they are really a democrat
      3. Blame democrats for them.

      1. KAUTION!!!! Kommentary like this might reach the desk of Biden’s new “Disinformation Kommisar”!!!!!

        1. There it is. Make the fact that Taffy is nuts about Biden. Thanks, CA Escapee!

        2. Dont you have some wide, sweeping generalizations to make about native americans, or did you think we all forgot about that?

  3. Good thing our gov was campaigning in Virginia so she didn’t have to see this.

    1. HUH?? ? Did I miss a news broadcast where it mentioned we annexed VIrginia?????

  4. Hard to take the hand-wringing seriously considering most of the nonsense Howard peddles is the same half-baked Wokileaks garbage championed on this site.

    1. Nailed it!

      In my opinion, what the country needs is at least five major political parties — with each being at least somewhat honest about their intentions — rather than this farcical “two-party” status where the only actual cohesion is in the label and not being part of “the other party”.

      I can think of five that could be formed tomorrow and instantly have a seat at the table:

      – A joint party of moderates from both old parties
      – A nationalist/conservative party
      – A progressive/socialist party
      – A libertarian/laissez-faire party
      – A party dedicated to environmental issues

  5. Own it Republicans. You created this nonsense all in the name of power.

  6. Are you saying they are crazy for imagining things that didn’t happen, or do you think they are crazy because they have the courage to say something about it?

    1. For imagining things that didn’t happen. I know that answer rankles you because these conspiracy theories and the attention you get from them make you feel special, but you’re wrong. And no matter how many times you are shown that, you just can’t accept it.

      1. How many times have you been shown evidence of election fraud or do you just avoid it, close your eyes and cover your ears? Watch any state Senate hearings? Planning to watch 2000 Mules? Or too afraid to learn some truths and facts?

        1. Yes, we’re all very impressed by your facebook facts. Funny how chief idiot Lindell tanked on his big reveal and STILL you all lap it up. Just a couple more of your hard earned bucks, bud. Just a couple more and they will take this country back! Just a couple more bucks!

          1. I watched all of those Senate hearings and it didn’t cost me a dime. How many did you watch?

            1. Ive watched Lindell’s bs. I watched the nonsense that continued to happen in Arizona. Ive watched Wisconsin. But lemme guess, if I missed a single hearing you watched, I can’t know your glorious “truth.”

              Cool with it.

        2. Well, there has yet to be shown and proven a case of election fraud that would have made a bit of difference for your dear leader. But keep on believing what he says. And if you think elections are all rigged–so how do you explain the down ballot Repubs winning–you are free to sit out from now on.

  7. I took the temperature of the room here in Spearfish at the LDD yesterday .. these things seemed to be on the minds of those in attendance.

    There were also some political operations going on .. fun to watch.

    1. That’s because the Lawrence Co GOP has alienated and driven away (or straight up kicked out) any sane minded member of the Republican Party. They are a perfect example of what happens when the patients overtake the asylum – and the extreme crazy right over take a county party. They essentially don’t have a county party anymore.
      It’s Queen Mary and her hand chosen merry band of kool-Aid drinking yes-men, running the show. The only sane one on her board is the young guy they have as committeeman, and he had to win his spot in a coin toss, tie breaker with Mary’s chosen pick…

      Lawrence county is the perfect example of what NOT to do. Take note. So maybe not a great example…

      1. Mr. Dale and grudznick pretty much control the entire LawCo party parties. So if you have a request, email us. I always persevere over Mr. Dale on the details, so make sure you have grudznick all lined out and on your side.

        Mr. Dale is but a rubber stamp at that point. I’m just sayin…

  8. No wonder all the store shelves around the Pierre region were empty of tin foil. Investors in tinfoil companies must be making $$$$$ right now.

  9. I have encountered people who have decided they won’t vote for anyone who doesn’t tell them the epidemic was planned and the election was stolen. If that’s what it takes to get people to vote for them…
    on the other hand I have met people who still think Obama is the Messiah and the Trump tax changes to the standard deduction benefitted only the rich.
    Lots of misinformation out there. We live in an idiocracy.

    1. Trump tax cuts caused the inflation then? As a middle class member of society, the Trump tax cuts saved me about $1k. This was pennies compared to those on the upper end. It’s almost as if there is a party tailored to cater to the top earners of our society where more and more wealth is continuing to consolidate. They have convinced a lot of people to go against their best interests by pointing a finger at someone else when they are the problem.

      1. Increasing the standard deduction helped those taxpayers who don’t have enough mortgage interest or charitable donations to get any benefit out of filing an itemized return. Most of those households make less than $100,000/year. Wealthy people don’t take the standard deduction, because they have million dollar mortgages and give huge sums to charity.
        Increasing the dependent child credit might have contributed to inflation but I doubt it was much. It helped young families, and most of them are lower to middle income households.

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