Gov. Kristi Noem Responds to Wrongful Conviction of President Trump

Gov. Kristi Noem Responds to Wrongful Conviction of President Trump

PIERRE, SD – Today, Governor Kristi Noem responded to the wrongful conviction of President Donald J. Trump.

“Massively conflicted, Biden donor and Liberal judge + stacked jury with unconstitutional jury instructions + radical leftist prosecutor = wrongful conviction.

“President Trump did nothing wrong, and even the liberal media knows it.

“The judge violated Trump’s constitutional rights and did everything in his power to get this outcome despite the clear evidence Trump was innocent.

No doubt Trump will be easily vindicated soon as the case will obviously be overturned on appeal.”

Governor Noem’s response was initially posted on X.


78 thoughts on “Gov. Kristi Noem Responds to Wrongful Conviction of President Trump”

  1. If Trump didn’t get a fair trial, then none of us would. If Kristi really believes this, then she should stop trying to grow government at every turn. These types of state laws will vary by state (states rights), and some will have more than others. A real message would be to slow the growth of laws in our state, promote actual freedom to show support to Trump. Claiming everyone, including the entire jury, is a radical liberal, is just nonsense.

      1. Lemme guess.. The jury has TDS? I mean, how can 12 people agree that the evidence presented convinced ALL OF THEM he was guilty??? SHAM!

  2. Does anyone really believe he didn’t pay her off to influence his election efforts? All he had to do was claim that as a campaign expense and he would have been fine. Or, don’t cheat on your wife with a porn star. How can anyone support his behavior?

  3. Have we forgotten he was also convicted of sexual assault (in New York state and rape anywhere else) and of business fraud. His supporters are blindly giddy to donate to paying his conviction fines along with the National Republican Committee, hijacked by his daughter in law.

  4. Please, explain to me how he was innocent. I want hear the thought process behind his actions to conceal the payments.

    1. because paying people to sign non-disclosure agreements is not a crime.
      I want to know how much Hillary paid to get Lisa Caputo to shut up.
      Caputo was in Sioux Falls years ago as the featured speaker at a Women in Business event.
      She was on the speaking circuit to pay off the “mountain of legal bills” she got stuck with after working for Hillary. It was rather brutal, She said “standing outside the grand jury room flanked by my TWO criminal defense attorneys, I hit the wall. I left Washington and all my idealism behind.”

      By 2016 she was back on the Clinton payroll as a campaign advisor. Hope they paid her well.

      1. “because paying people to sign non-disclosure agreements is not a crime.”

        Agreed. The problem is, that isn’t why Trump was charged. When you spend money on a campaign and lie about it to conceal the funds, you are going to get into trouble. All he had to do was report that payment properly and nothing would have happened. He lied and got caught.

        1. And it would have been legal if he had paid it with personal funds as opposed to funds from his business.
          If he had written a check from a personal bank account as opposed to from his business accounts, or if he had withdrawn cash from one of his banks and taken a shopping bag full of cash and handed it to Stormy there would have been no business records to be falsified.
          That’s the big issue. He used corporate funds and filed all of this as business expenses. That is where the 34 violations of the law occured.

        2. so you are saying he should have hired Stormy Daniels as a campaign advisor.
          got it

  5. She must be thinking… finally, a distraction… Trump convicted!

    But, sorry to tell you, Kristi. Nobody is going to forget about the puppy-killing and Kim Jong Un thing. You put it in a book! Those might as well be tattooed on your forehead.

  6. It’s a tough road ahead for ex-President Trump to appeal his conviction through the New York State judicial system. He cannot appeal at the Federal level unless he can successfully allege that his Civil Rights were violated. He is convicted of a felony (and several misdemeanor ) election law violations.

  7. Second headline today with ‘Wrongful Conviction’ Are the headlines saying that we can not trust our court system anymore? If so then we certainly do not need a new pen in South Dakota. Not every county has Reeves for States Attorney.

    1. Judicial systems vary drastically from state to state. Chief Justice Jensen has put in a lot of work and input to make sure everyone has a fair court case or trail in every inch of his jurisdiction and still is. South Dakota is working on improving their judicial system while others are abusing theirs. Not to also mention the joke of the DOJ under the Biden Administration.

  8. The jury instructions piece is misinformation. The associated press, not the liberal media but the AP, released the actual jury instructions if the good and honest governor cares to read them. They make none of the statements pundits attempting to stoke outrage claim.

  9. If you all are really republicans it convinces me that the establishment GOP needs to be replaced.

    1. Party of Law & Order for all, not just opposition. The idiot broke the law, got caught, and was convicted by a jury. Had he kept his dick in his pants or wrote a personal check, no issue.

    2. You apparently don’t understand what the true Republican party stands for. I bet Lincoln, Reagan et al. are rolling in their graves. Your “establishment GOP” are following the decades old true Republican values and morals. Do your homework.

  10. A state did what the Feds can’t seem to get done and that’s convict Trump…. LET”S HEAR IT FOR STATES’ RIGHTS!

  11. Enough. The election wasn’t rigged. The trial wasn’t rigged. This guy isn’t worth all the crap he is putting the country through. He’s not even a real conservative. Let’s be done with this loser.

    1. Interestingly, there are now convictions proving that Trump was the one who was working to rig the 2016 election… Those who yell the loudest usually have the most to hide.

      I agree, can we PLEASE be done with him and move on!

  12. Is the governor implying that if Trump is unable to get a fair trial in NY, a liberal would be unable to revive a fair trial in a red state?

    1. I think the point was is that a Republican state would not have treated a former democrat office holder with as much disrespect as the New York Trial has

    2. It’s only fair if everyone involved blindly supports him and doesn’t care about whether or not he committed a crime. The important thing is that they find him innocent no matter what. That’s “fair”.

      The people crying foul don’t seem to realize that two things can be true at once. It’s possible to dislike somebody and that person committed crimes. Mind blowing, I know…

  13. One can always debate the case on the merits, but the idea that a prominent politician should have carte blanche to commit crimes because any effort at accountability would constitute “jailing your political opponents” doesn’t make any sense.

  14. Not a word from Thune, Rounds, Little Dusty about what just happened to our former President Trump! They need to stand up to this oppression or we end up in total tyranny! Get some balls ,this is why Americans do not trust Rhinos to lead us. America First. MAGA not Globalists of the elk of Nikki Haley!

    1. The funny thing about federalism is that there’s a clear delineation between states and the feds authority. On what basis does then federal government have to encroach upon a state criminal trial? No civil rights were abused, no rights of Trump were violated. He was found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt by his peers.

      1. No civil rights were abused…obviously did not follow the trial…or you are a complete dolt.

        1. What civil rights were abused? Trump was treated with kid gloves. Most people would have been locked up if they behaved like he did.

              1. Next time you’re in court start shit talking the judge and jury. See how well that goes for ya.

                  1. No, they’re not if you have a platform to broadcast to millions of people. Now muttering it under your breath and no one hearing you would be. But Trump didn’t.

                    1. Oh, so Constitutional Rights are conditional. So much for your declaration of equal application.

                    2. Your constitutional rights are regulated. Much like there are other restrictions on free speech, voting, protesting, petitioning, or our 2nd ammendment. No one gets to run their mouth to those involved in a trial, especially in an intimidating manner. Judges restrict that all the time to us common folk. He is not above the law or any other restrictions on our rights that we have deemed appropriate.

  15. I don’t think it was entirely wrong the judge was liberal it’s the fact he donated to Biden that made him very biased. Then the jury in the other hand should have been way more select than it was. For God’s sake the OJ Simpson trail made damn sure the jury was fair. Not that the Judicial branch should be political anyways but 6 democrats and 6 Republicans should have been chosen for the jury hell maybe throw in a lunatic libertarian. The words the judge reportedly gave the jury just completely threw out the meaning of reasonable doubt…if you have a feeling he may have not done it but he could have well… Well he’s guilty no reason for doubt. The judge also denied I believe every accommodation. You can not treat him like any other civilian, yeah he has the same god given rights, but he was THE PRESIDENT RUNNING FOR RE-ELECTION. I totally think the thought behind the trial was to distract voters from the dumpster fire of the Biden Administration and the Democratic Party, however it may have backfired and made true Americans open up their eyes. In no way do I believe this trial was fair. I will gladly be voting for a convicted “felon”.

    1. “Gladly voting for a convicted ‘felon’” is about the saddest statement you can make. To see the party of Lincoln, TR, Eisenhower, Goldwater, & Reagan sink this low is pathetic. And Governor Bootlicker bashing another state whose laws she has 0% knowledge of is the cherry on top.

    2. You realize that Trumps attorneys also helped pick the jury pool right? And the Associated Press published the Jury Instructions as well right? Maybe learn more how trials work or read the AP before posting.

    3. Here’s a great read on NY law and precedent cases describing the jury instructions that were given. It was written three weeks before the judge gave his instructions to the jury. That means it is known fact and not something the judge just made up specifically for Donald. It was found with a very simple, non-biased Google search of “what does ny law say about unanimous agreement on predicate crime”. It’s really not hard to find information about laws. It’s so sad to me that so many people just take what is told to them by media as fact without taking just a little bit of time to ask questions and do some research.

  16. Governor Desantis statement:

    “Today’s verdict represents the culmination of a legal process that has been bent to the political will of the actors involved: a leftist prosecutor, a partisan judge and a jury reflective of one of the most liberal enclaves in America—all in an effort to “get” Donald Trump.

    That this case—involving alleged misdemeanor business records violations from nearly a decade ago—was even brought is a testament to the political debasement of the justice system in places like New York City. This is especially true considering this same district attorney routinely excuses criminal conduct in a way that has endangered law-abiding citizens in his jurisdiction.

    It is often said that no one is above the law, but it is also true that no one is below the law. If the defendant were not Donald Trump, this case would never have been brought, the judge would have never issued similar rulings, and the jury would have never returned a guilty verdict.

    In America, the rule of law should be applied in a dispassionate, even-handed manner, not become captive to the political agenda of some kangaroo court.”

    1. “No one is below the law?” Only a degenerate half-ape like Ronny DeSantis could coin such a stupid phrase.

    1. Except that Hinderaker and everyone on the Powerline were never Trumpers until he was nominated almost 8 years ago to the day. From there, that site and its curators, as well as most every mainstream Republican fell in line behind Trump. Get a sense of history and read what they said about Trump in the beginnning. Talk about a cult!

      Proud to be a never Trumper and proud to be a RINO given where most of the party is these days.

  17. “If we EVER lose an election, it was ONLY because it was rigged and stolen.”
    “If we EVER lose ANY court case, it was ONLY because it was rigged and stolen”.

    Are we seeing a theme and pattern here?

    Pat, your slamming of the Republican ‘wackadoodle crazies’ is appreciated and admirable. Did you ever consider that they also seem to be the most fanatical Trump supporters? Hmmmm…..

  18. Not worried. This sham will be thrown out on appeal and judge munchkin will be thoroughly embarrassed. And all of those with TDS will be crying like Adam Kinzinger.

    1. Please, step away from the kool-aid…. Oh, wait – I just re-read your comment. It’s too late. You apparently drank the trump kool-aid already… My condolences.

  19. These charges never should have been brought in the first place. I expect the conviction to be overturned on appeal.

    1. Ah! The superior insight of Anon 12:03 am has spoken! Apparently, 12 folks – selected by both Trumps the NYT states attorneys got it wrong! On all 34 counts, no less!

      Seriously… what does it take for you folks to realize Trump is a grift, and now – a convicted felon.

    2. Seriously, what kind of country do we live in where people are held accountable for committing crimes?

      Just because he’s a presidential candidate doesn’t mean it’s political. Two things can be true at once: he’s running for president and he committed crimes.

      I’m sure your next move is to complain about “well what about so and so doing such and such”. Save it. Donald committed crimes, got caught, and was found guilty. Now he can try to appeal, just like any other person.

      1. To be clear, the FEC declined to prosecute this case. The US Attorneys Office declined to prosecute this case. This case was moved forward by a prosecutor who regularly refuses to prosecute violent criminals but chose to move forward because the defendant was Donald Trump.

        1. The primary charges of this case were based upon state laws, not federal. FEC and US Attorneys Office don’t deal with state crimes. The charges brought are ones that are routinely prosecuted. Here’s a list of just a few, but there are far more:

          I will state again. It’s possible for two things to be true at once. The prosecutor dislikes Donald AND Donald committed crimes. It doesn’t make his criminal offenses any less criminal just because the prosecutor doesn’t like him.

          Besides, the prosecutor didn’t convict him. The jury convicted him.

  20. upshot: you dance with the devil, you pay the piper. the sd governors office is a division of trump-campaign-inc (formerly the republican party.) in the company’s unwritten bylaws, if you don’t rush to affirm the boss at each crisis point, your failure will be reported to him and you will atone.

  21. This has turned into a pathetic blog with pathetic commenters. If you actually think this was not rigged you are part of the problem. Legal Analysts, scholars and former judges are saying this was rigged, unfair, no crime. Mark Levin, Johnathan Turley, etc all have stated this and many more.
    If you don’t think our country is turning into a Banana Republic and Trump is just the tipping point you are part of the problem. Many of you on here who don’t like Trump forget why he is popular in the first place. Trump would have NOT been necessary if the Republican party had not turned into Democrat Lite (same great taste but, less calories). We have essentially had NO REAL opposition to Marxist Democrats for over 20 years. I will not respond to anyone because its a waste of time to argue with so many of you who are truly blind. You don’t have to personally like Donald Trump but, if you cannot see what is going on in this country there is no hope for you.

    1. i’d much rather see trump tried for insurrection for the capitol riot he greenlit on 1/6/2021 to stop joe biden’s election win from being certified. much much rather see that happen, plus the prosecution of the freedom caucus too for their part in the attempt.

    2. Mark Levin and Johnathan Turley are conservative legal commenters. What did you think they would say? The fact that you used paid opinion broadcasters as your legal support kinda shows your bias here too, wouldn’t you say?

    3. If you think a motley assortment of partisan has-beens on OAN is legitimate legal opinion I’m sorry your parents failed so badly at raising you.

  22. So much contradiction among the outraged MAGA right now.

    “He’s innocent!”. Yet was found guilty by a 12 member jury – that the defense assisted in selecting.

    “Charges should never have been brought!”. Wait… So he DID commit a crime, but shouldn’t have been charged and convicted of said crime.

    “Presidents have full immunity!” (again – so DID commit a crime, so claims of innocence are false) — “This is Biden persecuting a political opponent!” So immunity only if your name is Trump? (Nevermind that President Biden has no jurisdiction over the New York State judicial system).

    You know who else claims wrongful convictions and rigged judicial systems? Every other convicted felon.

  23. I was laid up after surgery and watched (or had it on) throughout the trial. Trump was poorly represented by counsel, his lawyers were warned by the Judge, with the Jury out of the room, that they were not adequately representing Trump, and, of course, Trump refused to take the stand. Business documents from Trump Inc. with his business manger’s hand writing and Trump’s signature sunk the ship. 12 of his peers took 12 hours to find him guilty on 34 counts. Not a tough call, apparently. Nothing was “rigged”.

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