Gov. Noem Announces Fairness in Girls’ Sports Legislation

Gov. Noem Announces Fairness in Girls’ Sports Legislation

PIERRE, S.D. – Today, Governor Kristi Noem released the text of draft legislation to defend fairness in girls’ sports at both the K-12 and collegiate level. This legislation will codify Governor Noem’s executive orders and extend further protections to women and girls.

“This is about fairness. Every young woman deserves an equal playing field where she can achieve success, but common sense tells us that males have an unfair physical advantage over females in athletic competition. It is for those reasons that only girls should be competing in girls’ sports,” said Governor Kristi Noem. “Women have fought long and hard for equal athletic opportunities, and South Dakota will defend them, but we have to do it in a smart way.”

“Only female athletes, based on their biological sex, shall participate in any team, sport, or athletic event designated as being for females, women, or girls,” the legislation reads. The legislation describes “biological sex” as “the sex listed on the student’s official birth certificate issued at or near the time of the athlete’s birth.”

“This legislation does not have the problematic provisions that were included in last year’s House Bill 1217,” continued Governor Noem. “Those flawed provisions would have led to litigation for our state, as well as for the families of young South Dakota athletes – male and female alike.”

Governor Noem previously protected fairness in girls’ sports earlier this year when she signed two executive orders to defend it, both at the K-12 and collegiate levels. Now she is asking the Legislature to put it into law.

Following widespread misconceptions about Governor Noem’s position on this issue, she published an op-ed in National Review to correct the record.

You can read the draft legislation here.


13 thoughts on “Gov. Noem Announces Fairness in Girls’ Sports Legislation”

  1. It never ends. Yet another hot button to push. More imaginary problems to solve.

    This one seems timed to distract from the nepotism news.

  2. Meanwhile, everything will be all better if the State mandate EVERY SCHOOL start EVERY DAY with a moment of silence. Hmm…forget about local control when Big Mama Noep can mandate her own version of socialism.

      1. And another Trumplican bristles at the calling out of a ridiculous and divisive-for-the-sake-of-being-divisive non-issue.

          1. Pretty much all of them over there who can’t get enough of the propaganda being spread by the Lincoln, Nebraska, resident herr shorty heidelberger.

  3. Another annual seeking solutions to problems that do not exist. Great deflective distraction from all the scandals that have consumeed her administration and everything else going on in the Dakota to the South.

  4. The governor is signing up (with support from the legislature) to throw away a few million in legal expenses. Should the bill become law it will be DOA in the courts. Why? Not because the federal courts in SD have Democrat appointees. Because at least five US Circuit Courts, some of which are in conservative leaning jurisdictions, have already determined that laws and policies like this are discriminatory and violate the Constitution and Title IX. In fact, just this past June, a very conservative SCOTUS upheld a lower court decision to this effect.

    This bill goes nowhere if it becomes law, AND it costs SD taxpayers millions. Isn’t this the very definition of wasteful spending, if not insanity, for the sake of putting down a marker as to who is the most conservative (DeSantis, Abbott, or Noem)?

  5. Let the other states spend their money fighting it. SD has wasted enough money on ridiculous spending sprees. It’s all about being in the limelight.

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