Gov. Noem Announces Plan to Restrict Foreign Purchases of Ag Land

Gov. Noem Announces Plan to Restrict Foreign Purchases of Ag Land

 PIERRE, S.D. – Today, Governor Kristi Noem and legislators announced proposed legislation to restrict foreign purchases of agricultural land in South Dakota. The plan creates a new board, the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States – South Dakota (CFIUS-SD), which will investigate proposed purchases of ag land by foreign interests and recommend either approval or denial to the Governor.

“With this new process, we will be able to prevent nations who hate us – like Communist China – from buying up our state’s agriculture land,” said Governor Kristi Noem. “We cannot allow the Chinese Communist Party to continue to buy up our nation’s food supply, so South Dakota will lead the charge on this vital national security issue.”

The prime sponsors of the legislation will be Senator Erin Tobin (R-Winner) and Representative-elect Gary Cammack (R-Union Center).

“For those of us who have lived and worked on the land, we know that it’s our past, but also our future,” said Senator Erin Tobin. “We grow the world’s food, and we need to protect the security of that food supply for our kids.”

The CFIUS-SD board would be made up of three ex officio members: the Governor’s General Counsel (who would serve as board chair), the Secretary of the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and the Director of the South Dakota Office of Homeland Security (part of the South Dakota Department of Public Safety). The board would also include two governor’s appointees: an agricultural industry expert who owns at least 160 acres of agricultural land in SD, and a national and/or state security or foreign policy expert.

“With vital national security resources like Ellsworth Air Force Base, we cannot afford for our enemies to purchase land in South Dakota,” said Representative-elect Gary Cammack. “We want to keep this land in the hands of South Dakota agriculture producers. I look forward to working with Governor Noem and my colleagues to guarantee the continued security of our state and nation.”

The jurisdiction of CFIUS-SD would cover transactions on or after July 1, 2023, including:

  • Any transaction of any number of acres – including a land transfer, purchase, grant, devise, descent, or inheritance of agricultural land – involving a “foreign entity” (any foreign person, foreign government, foreign business, or any organization controlled by a foreign person, government, or business);
  • Any lease of agricultural land to a foreign entity for a period of one year or longer; and,
  • Any transaction previously considered by the federal CFIUS board.

Currently, South Dakota has a law on the books limiting aggregate foreign ownership of agricultural land to 160 acres.

Two weeks ago, Governor Noem signed an Executive Order banning TikTok for South Dakota state government. Since then, the number of states banning TikTok for state governments has risen to eight.

Last week, Governor Noem called on the South Dakota Investment Council (SDIC) to immediately review all state investments for potential ties to nations that hate America, like Communist China. The SDIC has already divested from multiple Chinese holdings as a result of that call.


28 thoughts on “Gov. Noem Announces Plan to Restrict Foreign Purchases of Ag Land”

    1. Well, it’s a slippery slope. Next, maybe Kristi decides to review all sales to either impose new restrictions (no “X” group now) or insure certain groups (campaign donors) offers are accepted.

  1. When do we start locking up these foreign nationals and place them in interment camps. They could be a source of cheap labor. I don’t believe this would happen but extremists keep pushing to limit rights.

      1. I am willing to bet those same people built the electronic device or its components for you to bash them with. Over 93% of the Chinese population (roughly 1.3 Billion people) have nothing to do with the CCP. Just ordinary people living ordinary lives and suffering greatly from the “China virus” and its consequences. Xenophobic pricks like you are why Asian people walking down the street get assaulted solely for being Asian.

        1. This has zero to do with race. The dem mind is mind numbing.
          Can you buy land from the Chinese government ?

        2. “Xenophobic pricks like you are why Asian people walking down the street get assaulted solely for being Asian.”

          Fun fact…the majority of the time the folks assaulting the Asians are African American. OOPS! I guess you couldn’t resist being a liberal jackwagon.

    1. DFP moron’s are the ones that think Fauci created the virus and made COVID, or are they the ones that think the virus has something to about ethnicity? Trying to figure this stuff out, please clarify….

  2. “Under my administration, there would be no new boards, no new commissions, and no new blue ribbon task forces,” Noem said. “Instead, we would look to scrub each agency, refocusing and streamlining existing departments while cutting red tape.” – RCJ 2018

  3. I would love to see some consistency with this, she will stick up for Ag, but what about other industries? China is taking over food production, can we stop that? How about technology and holding companies? How about the foreign money coming to the state through the trust laws we have? Is this just for a talking point headline, or is it an actual problem she is willing to solve? I wish our governor had more of a focus on being the Governor of SD and not running for the POTUS position.

    1. One thing at a time Tony, one thing at a time. She has to get through the flack from the Dems each time. Some people are never satisfied, no matter what you do. Remember, some of these people never do anything, they just want to sit and snipe.

  4. Landowner: Can I sell my land?
    Government: well maybe…just a minute.
    Government (6 months later): No.

  5. Will this include EB 5 projects to help avoid any government scandals in the future? Or are we going to allow foreign investors to control all other aspects of agribusiness’ in our nation? Seems as though talk comes cheap when foreign concerns can control all of agriculture in this country without owning an acre of ground. If you are going to do something do it right. If government is going to prohibit land ownership in the USA to protect agriculture they best keep all foreign interests out of all other ag ventures and food processing as well. Think about it. Who do you want producing, processing, and controlling distribution of our ag resources?

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