Gov. Noem Promises to Defend Girls’ Sports, Sue Biden Administration

Gov. Noem Promises to Defend Girls’ Sports, Sue Biden Administration

PIERRE, S.D. – Today, Governor Kristi Noem promised to defend fairness in girls’ sports from an attack by the Biden Administration. The Biden U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is threatening funding for the federal school lunch program and other Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) dollars if schools and other entities do not adopt a false interpretation of Title IX.

“President Biden is holding lunch money for poor Americans hostage in pursuit of his radical agenda. He is insisting that we allow biological males to compete in girls’ sports or else lose funding for SNAP and school lunch programs,” said Governor Kristi Noem. “South Dakota will continue to defend basic fairness so that our girls can compete and achieve. I would remind President Biden that we have defeated him in litigation before and are ready to do so again. Mr. President, we’ll see you in court.”

Earlier this year, Governor Noem signed the strongest legislation in the country to protect fairness in women’s sports.

Governor Noem previously promised, “[President Biden] see you in court” over the OSHA vaccine mandate, which the United States Supreme Court struck down this past January.


18 thoughts on “Gov. Noem Promises to Defend Girls’ Sports, Sue Biden Administration”

  1. Once again she has no problem spending other people’s money for pure political gain regarding problems that do not exist in South Dakota. Fiscal Conservative? Not!

    1. If it’s a weekday – it’s another contrived controversy.

      In South Dakota, we had no transgender problem, but Noem had to fix it. Now we have to defend that fake fix with a lawsuit.

      Is this another Corey Lewandowski tactic? Did she ever answer DakotaNewsNow on their question about that? I have not seen a response from her.

      Is she or is she not hanging out with Lewandowski again?

    2. anonymous at 9:14 I agree we shouldn’t be funding school lunch programs . Let the kids starve.

        1. but 2:13, then why bother suing the Biden administration?

          It seems to me that before the Biden administration can hold up money for school lunches over this, it should first have to identify a trans kid who isn’t allowed to play sports.
          so if, as Elk says, the problem doesn’t exist, the lunch money should continue to come in

  2. Do I think transgender females should be competing with biological females in most sports. No, I do not.

    Is it a big deal? No. It’s a non-existent deal in South Dakota.

    I find it amazing that three thousand South Dakotans can die of Covid and the governor… shrugs. But give her a fake hot-button issue to trot out and she is… on it!

    And some of you just lap it up.

    1. Elk the problem here is that Title IX requires the schools to provide equal sports opportunities for girls. Girls generally don’t enjoy team contact sports and prefer things like gymnastics & track, sports which don’t require participants to crash into each other, but never mind, the schools offer exactly the same sports they offer the boys. This is because team sports will get more kids busy at the same time. Then they tell the girls “this is so much fun, isn’t it?” and 90% of the girls respond “not particularly.”(It didn’t help that all the gym teachers were very butch lesbians in the two high schools I attended.)

      While some women continue to participate in softball after they leave school, you seldom see females playing basketball, soccer, volleyball, or football outside of a required PE class. Adult women are at the gym, taking yoga and aerobics classes. Screw those stupid team sports.

      So now you have only about 10% of cis-females who actually want to do these things in the first place, and we are supposed to believe that trans-females all really want to do things that most cis-females don’t want to do. I suspect if the trans-females are really female, they won’t want to do them any more than the cis-females do. So we will wait and see if any trans-female surfaces complaining that “she” really wants to play basketball with other girls.

  3. Did you see it? That snarky little ad that Kristi has on Twitter. The one that reads: “Why does President Biden want to take away my food and make me compete against boys?”

    First, I doubt that it’s true.

    Second, we don’t have to agree with an individual choosing to transition to a different gender to be decent in our treatment of that person. There are kids that have started that process and for our governor to publicly call a trans girl a “boy” is hurtful and beneath her office.

    It would be considered bullying if a classmate was saying it to antagonize another student. And she is giving a green light to those who do just that.

    This is mean and nasty.

    1. Elk transitioning from one sex to another is an impossible transformation. Any transitioning occurring is specifically a mental condition of perceived yet inaccurate outcomes. You can slice and dice and push and pull and drug and drag all you want on any person but at the end of the day you end up with what you started with, just colored a tad differently.
      Yet if enough people think it possible for an imbecile to transition into a US President it can occur as we recently witnessed.

      1. Like I said, you don’t have to agree with the choices of others.

        You SHOULD want to be a decent human being in your treatment of students. Calling a trans girl a “boy” is the type of behavior you’d expect from a teen bully. You know this. And I am certain that the governor does too.

  4. Answer is simple…turn down the federal money. South Dakota V. Dole made that very clear. You want the federal funds, you have to agree to conditions imposed by the federal government.

    1. a better idea: end school sports entirely. Just stop. Think of the money that can be saved. Instead of pointless competitive games, have everybody do a 20 minute workout of calisthenics every day and then go to class.

      Parents who think their kids will just die if they don’t play football or basketball can pay for it themselves the way the ice hockey parents do.

      1. Agreed! End collegiate sports too. School is for learning not bringing in gobs of money to throw a ball around. Do that after, or instead of, school.

  5. She got on Hannity last night. Mission accomplished ! Great job Corey!

    If you don’t see this is the mission, you are an idiot.

    1. Interesting she could fit that in while out of state to Dallas from Thursday to Saturday

  6. Noem is so full of it, she doesn’t care about any of this. She will probably flip-flop again as she did before on the Trans Bill. She is just seeking a headline.

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