Gov. Noem Signs Executive Order Protecting Second Amendment Rights

Gov. Noem Signs Executive Order Protecting Second Amendment Rights

PIERRE, S.D. – Today, Governor Noem signed Executive Order 2023-04 to protect South Dakotan’s Second Amendment rights from being infringed upon by financial institutions.

“This Executive Order will protect the God-given right to keep and bear arms from being infringed upon by financial institutions,” said Governor Noem. “South Dakota is setting the standard for the most 2nd Amendment friendly state in the nation. But it’s not just the media and big government that are attacking our rights. Now, we have seen banking institutions go after law-abiding gun owners. Well, not on my watch. I won’t stand for it, not in South Dakota.”

Governor Noem signed the Executive Order during a speech at the National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Action Leadership Forum.

Financial institutions have discriminated against firearm-related entities by refusing to engage in the trade of goods or services and terminating existing business relationships.

The Executive Order blocks state agencies from contracting with large banks that engage in this kind of discrimination against firearm-related industries.


8 thoughts on “Gov. Noem Signs Executive Order Protecting Second Amendment Rights”

  1. “God given right to keep and bear arms”? The bible I’ve read talks about turning swords into plowshares. I would rather be robbed or shot by a criminal than see one more child shot.
    The NRA is nothing but the marketing arm of gun manufacturers.

  2. When did the GOP become the party of censorship, restrictions on free markets, and introducing the government into the room with the doctor and the patient? What’s next, are they going to put a microphone in the confessional to make sure the priest hands out certain fliers or tell me (a lawyer) who I can or cannot advise based on their beliefs?

    I wonder how many Republicans on here know gave those quotes below and wonder if they would still be welcome in the party of Lincoln.

    “Government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem.”

    “ The conservative movement, to which I subscribe, has as one of its basic tenets the belief that government should stay out of people’s private lives. Government governs best when it governs least.”

  3. When do we mainstream the term – yee-hawdists? Thats what this is folks. Pandering to the extreme right. Can’t touch those guns, because its a GOD GIVEN RIGHT. Such a extreme radical view. Just don’t pay attention to all of the people getting killed, because God works in mysterious ways…

  4. Somehow, someway, I question the idea that the lord cares about your Beretta or Glock.

  5. The ignorance of the Left is amazing. The American Founders recognized that all of our rights were given to us by God.

    1. The Founders were all deists and believed our rights came from a covenant between the government and the people.

      Please bring back the civics requirement in school!

      1. The only person who had significant influence over the American Founding who was a deist was Thomas Payne.

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