Governor Daugaard’s Weekly Column: State Officials Of All Stripes Upholding IM22 Promise

State Officials Of All Stripes Upholding IM22 Promise
A column by Gov. Dennis Daugaard:

During the first few weeks of the 2017 Legislative Session, Initiated Measure 22 dominated the headlines. The 14,000-word initiated measure became the center of attention because of the constitutional problems it posed and the bizarre unintended consequences it would create. For example, IM 22 could have been read to say that a teacher in Sioux Falls would be a criminal if her husband is a state legislator.

Leaving Initiated Measure 22 in place was not a viable option, due to its constitutional issues and other problems. It could not be enforced as written. Another option was to repeal Initiated Measure 22, and return to the old laws. That was also not a good option, because it would have ignored the will of the voters.

I joined legislators in following a middle path. Together we repealed the unworkable law and made a promise to honor the voters’ intent.

Legislators brought forward proposals aimed at the citizens’ expectation of honest government, an open and transparent campaign finance system, and a legislative process which allows lobbyist influence only through their arguments. As I write this, four of these proposals are on their way to my desk.

Democratic Rep. Karen Soli’s House Bill 1076 creates a government accountability board to hold formal hearings on state government matters. The board is made up of four retired judges who will have the ability to consider allegations against state officials and turn issues of concern over to the Division of Criminal Investigation. Rep. Soli worked with her colleagues across the aisle and Executive Branch officials to form this proposal which was widely supported.

The lobbyist gift ban bill proposed by Speaker Mark Mickelson is also on its way to my desk. This bill prohibits public officials from accepting expensive gifts from lobbyists.

Two other measures, House Bill 1052 and Senate Bill 27, have passed both houses. House Bill 1052 expands whistle blower protections for state employees and Senate Bill 27 deals with conflicts of interest and increases the penalty for illegal use of public funds.

I support all of these bills, and by the time you read this, the measures may already have been signed into law. As I write this, there are other IM 22 replacement bills dealing with ethics and campaign finance which will likely pass also.

State officials of all stripes undertook the difficult work of replacing Initiated Measure 22 with constitutional, workable legislation that meets the goals advanced by IM 22. Public servants from West River and East River, on the right and the left, and in the legislative and executive branches came together on these bills. As session comes to a close, I’m pleased with these accomplishments.
