Governor Kristi Noem honored by USA today as one of South Dakota’s most influential women of the century!

From the Republican Governor’s Association, the RGA noted Governor Kristi Noem’s recognition of being one of the most influential South Dakota women of the century by USA Today:

Governor Kristi Noem’s lasting impact on the Mount Rushmore State earned her a spot as one of ten women honored from South Dakota in the USA TODAY Network’s “Women of the Century” list unveiled this month to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment giving women the right to vote.

Governor Noem is widely recognized as a trailblazer, and her election as the first woman governor of South Dakota is just one part of her inspiring story.


Governor Noem is also an innovative policymaker, advancing initiatives to promote responsible spending, minimal taxes and regulations, personal responsibility, and rural America. From her UpSkill program linking workers displaced by COVID-19 to high-demand jobs, to her Connect South Dakota initiative delivering on her campaign promise to expand broadband access, Governor Noem has played a significant role in the fight for a better quality of life for all South Dakotans.

Read the entire story here.

7 thoughts on “Governor Kristi Noem honored by USA today as one of South Dakota’s most influential women of the century!”

  1. I figured this would be pretty obvious. She is going against the tide of the left-wing governors and doing what’s best for her state.

    I don’t look to USA Today for much wisdom, but even a blind squirrel finds a nut every now and then.

      1. yeah, trump has a spycam video where biden sniffs and blurts out “either lavender or teaberry”

      2. I see VSG has nowhere to go now that Erishman’s blog is down so now he is here with his Anti Trump Rhetoric. Biden is the hair sniffing pervert who is handsy with little girls Instead of acknowledging that or refuting that he deflects to Trump. These comments will get no play on this blog as you don’t have your little following of worshipers to cheer you on. Let’s hear a woodstock quote, it’s been a minute

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