Curtailing China
By: Governor Kristi Noem
December 16, 2022
China’s Communist government hates America. That may seem overly harsh or simple – but it’s a fact. They want to be the strongest nation on earth, and they see America standing in their way. Unfortunately, we have a President in Washington who is not taking this threat seriously. If he won’t protect the American people from this very real and growing threat, then states need to step up and do what we can.
President Joe Biden is not standing up to the Chinese Communist Party. He isn’t stopping them from using TikTok to gather data on our citizens. He has not stopped them from purchasing agricultural land and buying up our food supply. He has not taken steps to stop taxpayer dollars from being sent to China.
South Dakota is taking the lead in each of these areas.
Two weeks ago, I banned TikTok for state government employees. Since then, state after state has followed our lead. The United States Senate has also followed our lead an unanimously voted to ban TikTok on U.S. government devices. I encourage the House and President Biden to follow through on this key action.
Our South Dakota Investment Council has also conducted a review of all state investments to see where our state’s finances may be tied to Communist China. They have already pulled state investments out of a few Chinese companies, and we all agree that Communist China should not benefit from South Dakota dollars.
Most recently, I announced my plan to block purchases of agricultural land by nations that hate us, and I will work with legislators to make that happen. We will create a new board, called the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States – South Dakota, which will make recommendations to me regarding foreign interests trying to purchase ag land in South Dakota. If they are tied to China or another nation that hates us, I will reject the purchase.
A recent report showed that 47 million acres of ag land – or nearly 2% of all ag land in the country – is held by foreign investors. In states like Florida and Texas, it’s more than 2.4%. South Dakota has a much smaller share, and I’m proud of that, but there is room for our laws to improve. We will take action to make it happen.
South Dakota will continue to lead by example. We will stand up to protect our people from the emerging threat of Communist China. And I hope that other states across the nation continue to follow our lead.
This column was initially printed as an op-ed on FoxNews.com.
I wondered what would be the impetus behind the next desperate plea for attention. I have my answer. Look forward to the state of South Dakota stepping into the geo political space in a fight against those that hate us and most importantly hate our freedom.
We’ve stopped boys competing in girls volleyball with the strongest law in the land. We’ve stopped teaching 3rd graders about CRT with the strongest executive orders on record. Soon we will open up embassies around the world to let others know we mean business here in SD.
All these fake “fires” in your mind remind me of the previous ones. I have a really good memory and recall how serious the take over by the Muslim’s were about 8 years ago in our country. They were going to take over the country if republican’s didn’t win, it was a war on Christmas too! Well, the republicans lost, and we had a president who had a middle name of Hussein. The country was doomed! Turned out, nothing happened, and another caravan of immigrants came from the south at the next election again. We were doomed, and then we had a game show host say he could fix it by building a wall. Well, that wall didn’t get built, and the caravan stopped after the election, but a new challenger came, TIkTok! It is scary, like a facebook hack on a phone you barely know how to use, and the only person to protect you from this is Kristi!
Stay in fear folks!
“Well, that wall didn’t get built, and the caravan stopped after the election,”
Stopped after the election? You obviously haven’t watched ANY news over the last few years, or you are intentionally obtuse.
All the “free trade” with china was not a good idea as they steal or technology.
“Protection from Government Growth. Under my administration, there would be no new boards, no new commissions, and no new blue ribbon task forces. Instead, we would look to scrub each agency, refocusing and streamlining existing departments while cutting red tape.”
She is so dumb. And useless. All she does is regurgitate useless taking points. How does any of this help South Dakota?
Yeah, but she’s pretty like Sarah Palin…..
How about prosecuting trump for being a crook?