Governor Noem Launches Nationwide Workforce Recruitment Campaign

Governor Noem Launches Nationwide Workforce Recruitment Campaign

“Freedom Works Here”

PIERRE, S.D. – Today, Governor Kristi Noem launched a nationwide workforce recruitment campaign. The focus of the campaign, entitled “Freedom Works Here,” is to recruit Freedom-loving people from all over America to live and work in South Dakota.

“We have the best economy in the nation, our unemployment is the lowest in American history, and South Dakota work ethic has never been stronger. Even so, South Dakota has 25,000 open jobs,” said Governor Noem. “We need to recruit more workers to fill these positions. We are going to show America that South Dakota is the best place to live, work, and raise a family. I look forward to continuing to build our winning workforce by welcoming new families to our great state.”

In the “Freedom Flows Here” ad, Governor Noem talks about the fact that South Dakota was the first state to bounce back from the pandemic, the strength of our economy, and our growing apprenticeship programs.

In the “First Day” ad, Governor Noem says that “in South Dakota, you’ll never pay a penny in personal state income tax. And we accept most out-of-state professional licenses.”

The South Dakota Department of Labor and Regulation will also provide job search assistance to individuals who express an interest in looking for a job in South Dakota.

In addition to the television ads, the campaign includes direct marketing that will take place over digital ads and direct mail. The campaign is being guided by research that was done to identify people who would be likely to move to South Dakota to best target the ads to the identified demographics.

More information about the Freedom Works Here campaign can be found here.


17 thoughts on “Governor Noem Launches Nationwide Workforce Recruitment Campaign”

  1. Closing the loop on the workforce housing projects.

    Saleswoman in chief.

    Cyber”security” initiative will .. protect peoples’ phones, homes, computers, cars, communities from spyers and hackers?

    1. It seems to me, the Governor is trying to develop a “cult of personality”, hard core supporters who are dedicated to her candidacy regardless of whether she has really accomplished anything or not.

  2. We do not need people moving here from out of state to fill jobs. Stop giving welfare to able bodied people and perhaps the jobs would be filled. Stop the panhandlers, if they can stand on the street begging, they can get a job and pay taxes on their income like the rest of us. I am willing to give a helping hand to people who cannot work due to an illness or a personal tragedy, but I do not believe in giving lifelong handouts to people who do not take responsibility for themselves and/or their families.

    1. Lorraine, the pitch is for skilled workers, not unskilled labor. Skilled workers worked hard to get their certification/licensure and are not on welfare, nor are they panhandling. If you watch the ads you can see they are targeted to professionals. . She specifically notes the state’s lack of an income tax; welfare recipients and panhandlers don’t care about income taxes, highly paid professionals do.

  3. i too want to have two dozen new neighbors who moved here because of our governor’s balls, just like the new neighbors some of you say you have. because i don’t have any new neighbors who dropped their previous lives in another state and moved here because noem’s governance is awesome. in fact I have yet to meet or be within a few hundred yards of anyone who actually did move here or do anything beyond tell their waitress “your governor is so great, sure wish I lived here” while gassing the car to or from mt rushmore. maybe this’ll get a few of them off the dime and into a uhaul.

    1. No doubt Venhuizen and Appropriations will dig into the cost to taxpayers on this… but they shouldnt. It’s exactly what SD needs and the best way to get attention for our state and trades. This is a great way to promote SD and raise awareness of what SD has to offer.

      These ads aren’t the best but they are entertaining.

  4. I disagree. The ad campaign highlights the strengths of our state, including no personal income taxes, and it may possibly motivate some well-qualified workers to move to glorious South Dakota. No doubt, this office hasn’t always hit home runs (e.g., “We’re on Meth”), that’s impossible. But I think this ad campaign is very well done.

  5. Freedumb Flows Here.

    And we accept all out-of-state professional licenses including those you buy online or print up.

  6. Our schools aren’t staffed, we don’t have childcare support, we won’t pay you a high enough wage to afford rent one of the few dilapidated units available, and we don’t want immigrants.

    Yeah. Great pitch.

  7. As a person who has transferred or taken jobs state to state, it seems South Dakota is at a disadvantage. Uprooting a family and changing employers is as stressful and as costly as anything a person can do to better themselves. South Dakota employers will have to raise wages and benefits and be willing to provide moving expenses and a resettlement allowance. Consider the first and last month rent, utility deposits, school and transportation expense employees have immediately upon being hired. Single men, without dependents, willing to live anywhere, are the only new employees who can get through that first year seamlessly.

    1. The ads are not targeted toward people who worry about paying first and last month’s rent, or moving costs, which are often covered by corporate recruiters. The ads are targeted to well-heeled professionals who are currently drowning in state and local taxes.

  8. South Dakota Barbie fits reallly well here… We have all seen it before. When she was a Representative in DC, she was “Military” Barbie… Then, she when she ran for Governor, she was “Rodeo” Barbie… Now, as she apparently seeks some national office – she is “Blue Collar Barbie.” LARP’in her way into office. Give it a few weeks, we are gonna see “Biker Barbie” as Sturgis is soon upon us. How do people not see through this crap?

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