Governor Noem Launches New “Freedom Works Here” Ad

Governor Noem Launches New “Freedom Works Here” Ad

PIERRE, S.D. – Today, Governor Kristi Noem launched a new ad as part of the “Freedom Works Here” nationwide workforce recruitment campaign. The “On the Job” ad features Governor Noem as a welder inviting workers to move to South Dakota.

“’Freedom Works Here’ has already been the most successful recruitment campaign in South Dakota history,” said Governor Noem. “287 million people have seen the ads. More than 3,000 have gone through the process of applying. More than 500 are in the final stages of moving to South Dakota. And with this new ad, we aren’t slowing down.”

In the “On the Job” ad, Governor Noem highlights South Dakota’s acceptance of most out-of-state professional licenses and apprenticeship programs. Governor Noem also mentions that South Dakota is investing in scholarships to help ease financial burden and get folks trained and on the job.

More information about the Freedom Works Here campaign can be found here.


15 thoughts on “Governor Noem Launches New “Freedom Works Here” Ad”

  1. South Dakota?

    Come on, folks. This is pretty obvious. She is using 5 million in your tax dollars to promote HERSELF nationally. Almost 300 million have seen these Kristi ads.

    But she claims 500 are in the “final stages” of moving here! Sure. Whatever.

    1. Of course! It’s an advertisement for promoting the Kristi Noem brand (grifter) at taxpayers expense disguised as a South Dakota economic development ad.

      1. It’s a lot of money. And it could have been spent on tourism ads. Preferably ones that don’t include the ambitious governor.

  2. Freedumb from Unions that fight for worker’s rights, protections, higher pay and benefits.

    1. Let’s also not leave out that unions protect incompetence, protect lazy sloths that don’t do their jobs, spend dues money inappropriately, and are ripe for embezzlement. Ya…go unions (that’s sarcasm).

      1. Minor problems compared to the successes. You know things like a 40 hour work week, pto, safety on the job, maternity leave, liveable wages, and a litany of other benefits provided to workers.

        1. You obviously have never had to supervise union workers, I have. They were some of the most incompetent lazy people I have ever worked with. Minor problems? Tell that to the family of the 8 year old who was misdiagnosed and suffered severe harm because one of these union members didn’t follow procedure and lead to bad test result and I couldn’t fire them because of union protection.

      2. The erosion of child safety and work laws by the GQP. Hello “The Jungle” by Upton Sinclair! Unions help protect against that.

      3. If you’re talking about Police Unions, then yes absolutely they protect incompetence!

  3. Today, ads can target by race, religion, age, sex, political party, likely voters, geography etc. Since these are public dollars, it should be public information.

    Who are they targeting?

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