Governor Noem starts off day with fairly pointed statement about Democrats embracing socialism

From Governor Kristi Noem via twitter:

41 thoughts on “Governor Noem starts off day with fairly pointed statement about Democrats embracing socialism”

  1. Absolutely correct. Our kids are sent away to a higher education system which embraces socialism. It starts in the home, by parents, in showing our children why we can’t ever go down that path. Rally. Look to the future. This is our duty because politicians can’t fight the battle alone. The people rule.

  2. Remember a few years ago when there as a legislative initiative to make our colleges and universities more intellectually diverse? Have you noticed the impact? Of course not because it delivered absolutely nothing. Nada. Zilch.

    As I screamed then, the problem is the professors are ideological socialist zealots who have no interest fostering intellectual development but only brainwashing and it transcends discipline.

    As the Governor notes, these people are more and more open about their motives and it takes real reform (not the faux reform pursued a few years ago) of our colleges. The universities will not do it themselves. It will take the Legislature and Governor to act. Next week when session starts is good time to start the process.

    1. Troy,

      Please tell me where you get this idea that there are a massive number of “socialist zealots” working as professors at South Dakota’s universities??? lmao.

      1. Wow, Jonathan, I agree. What schools (names please), what professors (names please) and whose children’s minds have been destroyed by said universities and professors?

    2. This comment is for Governor Noem: Kristi, could you please reveal the names of our congress people who have admitted to being socialist? Asking for a friend : )

  3. Congratulations Governor Noem! We are absolutely pleased to announce that Foster and Lynn Friess, Corey Lewandowski, and the Great America PAC have teamed up to form the Kristi for U.S. Senate exploratory committee!! She did a fabulous job in Georgia this weekend, and look forward to her service in the U.S. Senate! More coming soon!! #greatamericapac

  4. Socialism will continue to gain momentum as long as the massive wealth inequality continues to grow in America.

    It’s not about indoctrination by college professors. It’s about the fact that the rich keep getting richer and the poor poorer.

    1. We had the fastest and largest income equality drop in history before Covid hit. All because of Trump policies.

      Then Covid hit which all of its mitigation strategies of lockdowns and school closings (most aggressively pursued in Blue states who endorse more socialistic policies) which were manageable by rich white people and hardest on the poor reversing in spades the income inequality gains for Trumps first three years..

      In short, Trump economic policies lead to less income equality. Blue state political leaders lead to increased income equality.

      We need less socialism and more capitalism for more income equality. Facts matter more than lies of socialists.

      1. Corrections:

        We had the fastest and largest income INequality drop in history before Covid hit.

        In short, Trump economic policies lead to less income INequality. Blue state political leaders lead to increased income INequality.

    2. I disagree. Part of the problem, worth noting, is that children are spoiled and given everything and work for nothing, as an expectation. They don’t work real jobs anymore, they play sports only and when they turn 18 they are magically deemed adults. They think they are owed everything. This applies to rich, middle income, and low income families across the board.

      1. That’s a pretty broad generalization friend. Although it’s true in a lot of cases I also know many children and young adults who do work hard and struggle to earn a decent living. The entitlement is the result of poor parenting.

    3. So, giving in to jealousy and covetousness is now all the rage on the left? Everybody is not going to make an equal amount of money, and not everyone has has money deserves it, and not everyone has doesn’t have money should remain poor, but those are the breaks. Having an all-powerful government that dictates who should have what is not American, it is evil.

      I think you are also denying that the almighty academia is largely populated by socialists who are filling a lot of impressionable minds with bile; that is just a fact.

      1. Fact checking: could you please provide your data source that shows how many teachers/professors in the almighty academica are documented socialists? Could you also provide copies of the curriculae that are focused on filling impressionable minds with bile? Thanks a bunch, a former elementary school teacher.

  5. Anyone who believes socialism destroys lives significantly more than any other economic model has a narrow understanding of history, and has likely ignored how capitalism has influenced other economic systems’ outcomes. For an easy way to make sense of what I’m saying, please read “The Jakarta Method” by Vincent Bevins.

    1. You believe socialism is the way to go? OK….when can I come over to your house and collect the percentage I deem I am owed from the results of your labor?

    2. I guess freedom doesn’t add to quality of life and it is simply money and things that matter? Okay, if you are going that way.

      1. Freedom is the ability to choose what is important to you. No one can tell me what is important to me – if I want a big house, nice car, and can donate my money to the cause of my choice then I get to decide that.

        Socialism says that no matter how hard you work you will not have those things.

        Funny, Pelosi and Sanders could donate all their money to the poor and live a modest, but simple life if they really believed in helping the poor. They don’t really want to help the poor though. They want power and control at all costs.

        1. just FYI, the word “freedom” actually has many definitions. In case you’re interested in learning more:

          Also from Merriam/Webster is this quote: Socialism vs. Social Democracy: Usage Guide
          “In the many years since socialism entered English around 1830, it has acquired several different meanings. It refers to a system of social organization in which private property and the distribution of income are subject to social control, but the conception of that control has varied, and the term has been interpreted in widely diverging ways, ranging from statist to libertarian, from Marxist to liberal. In the modern era, “pure” socialism has been seen only rarely and usually briefly in a few Communist regimes. Far more common are systems of social democracy, now often referred to as democratic socialism, in which extensive state regulation, with limited state ownership, has been employed by democratically elected governments (as in Sweden and Denmark) in the belief that it produces a fair distribution of income without impairing economic growth.”

          Take that as you will.

      2. Robert, I can’t even understand your point. But, I’m not sure you have reached the right conclusion regarding what happened in Jakarta. Yes, it was genocide of leftists backed by the Kennedy administration. But, the real lesson is it was genocide of a corrupt goverment wanting to retain its power reminiscent of fasccist/socialist/communist governments. Name a single country grounded in individual liberty, free enterprise, in the last 100 years which has done a genocide of its people. I can name a dozen socialists.

        1. Troy, please read the book. The author finds that in many different countries around the world, the US backed those genocides of which you may have spoken. The US exported what Bevins refers to as “The Jakarta Method”, hence the title. That’s one point you missed by apparently not reading the book. The book’s broader point, which the author had no intention of discovering, is that many other governments and economies failed and committed atrocities because of US/Capitalist interference.

          My broader point, which I hope Steve Higgins will consider, is that socialism is a very broad body of thought and action that can’t simply be boiled down to such narrow ideas as a society in which any individual can take anything from another on the mere whim of what one is owed, or one in which the government can take whatever they want for the same reason. Just as capitalism has many configurations, so too can socialism. Noem’s words suggest otherwise, and the ignorant fall for her vague talk.

          1. “one in which the government can take whatever they want for the same reason.”

            And when you boil all the apologetics away from the alleged pros of socialism, this is exactly what you get.

          2. i agree that we need to stay out of the affairs of other nations. in fact we need to abolish the UN that has become one of the largest promoters of tyranny. as for your socialist dream. can you tell me how you intend to keep the criminal element out of your socialist utopia? please research some of Leon Trotsky’s later books. this will enlighten you to the fundamental flaw that has plagued all socialist governments.

            1. I can tell you presume much by suggesting I dream of utopia. I’ll answer your question when I believe you have asked it in good faith. However, right now it, along with your suggested reading, looks like an obvious attempt at foisting your dogma upon me, the same dogma I grew up with being a citizen of the US.

    1. Donald,

      The agriculture industry isn’t subsidized to keep farmers in business but to purchase certain public goods, no different than the government paying highway contractors to build roads. What are those public goods:

      Food security so other countries can’t starve us to death in time of war. In other words, it is purchasing national defense just like it purchases airplanes.

      Public welfare as it reduces the cost of food.

      The United States is democratic republic oriented to the general welfare AND individual political and property rights. It is also an economy oriented to economic freedom of labor, capital, and property to provide the greatest economic capacity to serve its political orientation.

      Socialism by definition denies individual political of freedom of expression, freedom to pursue personal goals related to one’s labor and leisure, and property rights with an orientation of group objectives without regard to individual expressions.

      When you conflate collective purchases of goods and services with an economic order as you did before, you serve neither your advocacy of socialism nor truth. You only deceive and misinform.

      1. Troy, how did you get that definition of socialism? I don’t believe you are correct there.

  6. You absolutely see some on the far left that are socialists or whatever, but it is laughable to say that the majority of Democrats are socialists. Joe Biden is as much a socialist as Ronald Reagan. What I find remarkable is the number of main stream Republicans who are openly advocating overthrowing an election based on zero credible evidence.

    1. Joe Biden will go as far left as he can, and if you doubt that you apparently are naive. Biden is not a good man, and he is not a moral compass; all the left complained about President Trump’s tweets, but he was doing good things for the country (unless you don’t believe in freedom), but they completely disregard the all-encompassing corruptness of Joe Biden.

      Also, do you think that he picked a moderate in Kommielaw Harris?

      1. You say naive, I say you know little of what is actually left, or you suggest “as far as he can” to mean only as far as his Capitalist , pro-corporate values allow, or both.

        1. why is the left crazy pro big business? Google even had an office in the white house when Obama was in office

      2. Oh wow. I’m assuming that you would consider DT a “good man” in comparison to Joe Biden. It wasn’t just the tweets, but do you see nothing corrupt or bad in most of those? It wasn’t just the outright lies and mis-statements throughout his term, but do you see those as OK? It wasn’t just his racism and cruelty and thoughtlessness in many of his thoughts, words, and deeds, but if you can add that all up to equal “good man”, despite what “good things’ he did for the country (which is based on many freedoms but built of much much more over the course of over two hundred years) then nothing you can say will ever make any sense to me.

    2. Her tweet said Democrats in Congress. Those who are the in leadership positions specifically. I think that is accurate.

  7. Robert, I got it from the dictionary. It is necessary for communication for people to understand the definition of what you are talking about. As you can see below, socialism tramples on the rights and desires of the individual to serve the “group” which always ends up being the elites.

    Socialism: a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

    Steve would be well advised (advice he doesn’t need from me) to ignore what you have to say because it is clear you don’t even know the definition of what you speak much less the ramifications.

    Finally Robert, the point of the book (praised by people who abhor the One World Order of socialists and who are freedom loving capitalists) is genocide is always carried out by big government who want to preserve hegemony over the people and they need to kill their opponents. The intervention and support from the Kennedy administration was because the prevailing foreign policy principles (which currently are endorsed by John Kerry, GHWB, GWB and Joe Biden) was interventionist support of “allies or enemies of my enemy” which at the time Indonesia was a regional opponent of Communist China and Communist Russia.

    Donald Trump’s philosophy is the antithesis of this interventionist policy.

    1. Troy, you first said socialism “by definition denies individual political of freedom of expression, freedom to pursue personal goals related to one’s labor and leisure, and property rights with an orientation of group objectives without regard to individual expressions.” That is not an inherent part of the definition you shared in the post to which I now respond, which is why I asked the question. Thank you, then, for making clear you’re aware not all definitions of socialism include what you first said defines socialism.

      You’re not so sharp when you assume people asking for proof means they don’t understand that for which they request proof. I trust you wouldn’t have assumed that of me if you trusted me, so I don’t mean that as a jab, but instead as request you be less defensive.

      How do you figure the book’s primary thrust is that genocide is always carried out by big government? I suggest you don’t know that, and that you instead project that upon the book for your own purposes, because I’ve listened to multiple interviews with the author, and have yet to hear him say anything about “big government”. I admit I haven’t read the book, though, so maybe you are correct. Have you read it yet? Side note: you have some serious blinders on if you think socialism is the One World Order in which we live.

      I also think you have to cherry pick to conclude just what is Trump’s foreign affairs philosophy. He hasn’t only scaled down foreign intervention. Check out drone strikes under his watch, for instance.

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