Governor Noem tweet on Jason Aldean makes Fox News

One of Governor Kristi Noem’s latest tweets has gotten national attention, as she references an anti-crime song making waves across America by country music artist Jason Aldean:

Fox News picked up the story today via their website:

South Dakota Republican Gov. Kristi Noem joined a wave of conservatives on social media defending country music star Jason Aldean from backlash over his new music video blasting Black Lives Matter rioters and daring them to “try that in a small town.”

“I am shocked by what I’m seeing in this country with people attempting to cancel this song and cancel Jason and his beliefs,” Noem posted in a video on Twitter Wednesday. “Him and Brittany are outspoken about their love for law and order and for their love of this country and I’m just grateful for them.”

Noem’s video comes in response to a music video for Aldean’s song “Try That in a Small Town” that has lyrics warning violent criminals, as well as those who disrespect law enforcement and the American flag, to “try that in a small town.”

Read the entire story on Fox News.

22 thoughts on “Governor Noem tweet on Jason Aldean makes Fox News”

  1. More culture war distractions for the republican lemmings while they are fleeced.

  2. Honestly, she has nothing better to do with her time? Hopefully the GOP wins in 2024 and Pres-elect appoints her Ambassador to Not Here and Rhoden can take over.

    1. Anonymous at 1:33:
      Her video is 86 seconds long. The typical red light is 120 seconds.
      What do you accomplish when you are stopped in traffic? Pick food out of your teeth? Don’t you have anything better to do with YOUR time?

  3. “In this corner, a champion pugilist beyond compare….known for her deadly thrusts, and lightning quick dodges…..a fantastic fighter in fine form…..and in this corner….straw man.”

  4. The Governor has a real future ahead of her as a commentator on the state of our culture and the mass media on the Fox News Channel. She can replace the blond young woman, Dana Perino, who is a former Bush press secretary and who’s time has run out. All she needs is a little burnishing of her English Language Usage (“Him and Britanny”…).

    1. A new QAnon podcast is more her speed when she leaves office which is not soon enough.

  5. I’d love to understand what on earth folks have against Noem. None of these criticisms even ring a bell.

  6. (quietly reading, slowly shaking head) nothing to add here. gotta stay on brand i guess.

    1. i know i loved every time gov rounds weighed in on pop culture. mostly because they never happened.

  7. Yes it is interesting that the lefties have decided that being against crime is racist, because they assume that all criminals are people of color.

    I’ll let y’all cogitate on that one.

    1. From the Fox News article above: “…his new music video blasting Black Lives Matter rioters and daring them to “try that in a small town…”

      The “Black” rioters.

      I find it interesting that a song would be written about that subject over 3 years after the George Floyd murder and the riots that followed. Very odd timing – unless your aim is to stir up racial animus. It seems to be doing just that.

      “Try that in a small town/ Full of good ol’ boys, raised up right/ If you’re looking for a fight.” That’s right – the “good ol’ boys” will take care of business.

      And, of course, Kristi has to go all in on this too… “Him and Brittany are outspoken about their love for law and order and for their love of this country and I’m just grateful for them.”

      1. The song lyrics don’t mention Black Lives Matter, or black or brown people.
        The lyrics are: “sucker punch somebody on a sidewalk, carjack an old lady at a red light, pull a gun on the owner of a liquor store…..cuss out a cop, spit in his face, stomp on the flag, light it up…”

        If you listened to it and heard “black” in there anywhere, you projected your own ideas about who does things like that into the lyrics and heard something that isn’t there.

        How to say you’re a racist without saying you’re a racist…..

        1. And again…

          From the Fox News article above: “…his new music video blasting Black Lives Matter rioters and daring them to “try that in a small town…”

        2. Then there is this…

          Aldean’s video was shot in front of the Maury County Courthouse in Columbia, Tenn. This is known for being the location where a few hundred white men lynched an innocent black youth – 18 year old Henry Choate.

          Interesting choice of location for his vigilante song.

    2. Kristi says that they are for “law and order”. The song talks about the good ol’ boys handling this. Not the police. Not the sheriff. The “good ol’ boys”.

      And… “Round here, we take care of our own”. “Got a gun that my granddad gave me”

      Oh, I see… THAT kind of law and order.

  8. He wrote a song about living in a small town while never have lived in a small town and after previously writing songs about leaving small towns because they are horrible. Yep, it’s a grift to exploit brain dead right wingers.

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