Group cautions State House that state Grouse map could be violation of federal law

From KELOland news, a tribal voting rights group is cautioning the State House redistricting committee that they might be facing some troubles with the Grouse 2.1 legislative map that they’ve been, well, grousing over:

Bret Healy from Four Directions Native Vote told the panel Friday that the Grouse 2.0 map was “on its face” a violation of the federal Voting Rights Act for the racial makeup in proposed district 26 and that Grouse 2.1 was worse.

Representative Bethany Soye asked Healy what percentage would allow Native Americans to elect the candidates they want.

Healy said, “That is an expert determination not to be done on the back of an envelope.”

Read it all here.

7 thoughts on “Group cautions State House that state Grouse map could be violation of federal law”

  1. Hope the Senate and House leaders will actually lead and negotiate a final map. There are pros and cons to the maps each side approved. Aberdeen should not be split. The Senate has SF right. Neither has RC right. The Senate is also closer in SE SD including SF. As for this specific story, it’s important to get right or a judge will draw those lines as well. But no need to wait for a so-called expert.

    1. It would he an embarrassment for both bodies if they cannot agree. Leadership would be seriously lacking.

  2. Sick and tired of the Republicans ate Racist…we have zero data to back up our outrageous statements but yell it and get a headline without doing any work!

  3. to report that something violates federal law but then not explain exactly what the problem is or offer a solution reflects badly on both Healy and KELO.
    This is a headline with no content.

  4. Grouse 2.4 will be the one adopted. I do not understand why people are not listening to grudznick on this issue.

  5. I went over to the Out-of-State Name-Caller blog to read up on the latest about Grouse 2.4 but the internet seems to be playing a trick on Mr. H tonight, or perhaps the hobgoblins of hate have decided to perch over there this fine evening.

    I would like to hear more about Grouse 2.4, as rumored.

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