A new group has formed to oppose Senate Bill 201, the landowner bill of rights, passed by the South Dakota State Legislature and signed by Governor Kristi Noem recently:
South Dakota Property Rights and Local Control Alliance, which calls itself “an alliance of local citizens, property owners, and leaders at the county, township, and state levels,” announced its formation Friday.
The newly-formed group is opposed to South Dakota Senate Bill 201, a bill that allows counties to impose a $1 per linear foot annual surcharge on pipelines and establishes a “Landowner Bill of Rights.”
This group wants to repeal the surcharge on pipelines, and the newly passed Landowner Bill of Rights by blocking the implementation of the measure and having people sign petitions to put it to a vote?
I guess there’s only one thing to say to that:

Never underestimate the ability of the uninformed and the stupid (aka anti-pipeliners) to screw a good thing up.
I see they brought the A team and a committee name no one will remember.
What a JV effort.
I blame Jon Hansen for this: he’s a lawyer. He knows perfectly well what the US Constitution’s 5th Amendment “takings clause” says, and how Kelo v New London defined “public use, ” but in spite of that, he’s got an army of devotees who believe him when he says the Constitution protects private property from eminent domain, and he’s their champion.
The 30 who voted against 201 need to be sent packing. Mindless drones influenced by emotion and half-truths.
He is a lawyer that has never had any real experience, Ranvsberg 2.0 ——
The law bill 201 is now a done deal. Move on to other insaner issues that need your attention.
They’ll refer it. That will delay it from becoming law until the voters decide one way or the other.
I suspect this issue will dominate many primaries. Michael Rohl voted against it for a reason. It’s not going to be popular in the NE.
Keep your eye on districts that the pipeline goes through. This will have major impacts on districts 3, 23 etc.
The energy pumped into primaries will help those opposed.
I don’t think they are smart enough to win the referral though.
If it is delayed then the pipeline companies will have more time to get the lines in under existing statutes.
What exactly was the plan with that?
Everyone who called for a special session should have been working on a plan instead of giving speeches with empty rhetoric and grand standing.
The truth is they didn’t have a plan. That’s the hallmark of this movement. Energy, passion,
Long on talk. Short on work.
Even this referral is a clown car held together with duct tape, super glue and the inability to think more than 15 seconds ahead.
How do they not have a decent commitee name, a slogan, farm families, major ag leaders fronting this?
Glodt and Skjonsberg probably had that press release slamming the referral written the day the bill passed.
Why would they do that? Because they are smart enough to game plan this thing – not two steps ahead – but the entire life cycle of this project ahead.
One side is emotional. The other side is strategic.
Emotion will only get you so far before you have to be good. You can only Amanda Radke it so many times before you need people to do more than talk.
If you support the land owner side you need them to be good – not stumbling out of the gates with the players winging it for the next year.
Get ready for a whole’ lotta Amanda Radke emotional ranting over the airwaves.
If you listen to Amanda Radke’s testimony before the Senate committee, immediately after being told the opponents have two minutes each, she used up over 4 minutes, mostly to talk about herself, her adventures, and then a lot of emotional stuff about local control, and how she did not think the Governor would ever sign it. This resulted in a lot of applause from her fans in attendance, who had to be told that wasn’t allowed, and as for the content of her testimony, she was admonished by a member of the committee that she wasn’t doing her cause any good.
Help us Amanda Radke, you’re our only hope.
If you think someone who will tell you anything to sell another book or get another speaking engagement is gonna do you any good…You are sadly mistaken!! She is not helping in any way…shape or form. Those who know her true story…NOT the I’m a Farmer, Rancher, blah…blah lies no longer buy into anything she says!
Her true story? What is her true story?
I think I’ll sign, then notify the Secretary of State to remove my signature…