Guest Column – Halftime at the Capitol by Senate Majority Leader Casey Crabtree

Weekly Column: Halftime at the Capitol
by Senate Majority Leader Casey Crabtree

MADISON–It’s halftime in Pierre for the Legislative Session and the Capitol is busy as we work ahead of Crossover Day. One of the best parts of the process in the Legislature is that every single bill gets a hearing–the good, the bad and the ugly. This allows for every lawmaker and every idea to have a fair hearing. With 220 bills introduced in the Senate this year, we have until the deadline of Crossover Day to hear every bill and either pass it along to the House of Representatives or kill the bill. So far, at halftime, the Senate has sent 94 bills to the House, killed 60 bills, and 18 have been signed into law by the Governor.

I entered Week 5 of session with a heavy heart as our communities were mourning the loss of Moody County Deputy Sheriff Ken Prorok. Ken was a great family man and led a life of service to others. I had the joy of becoming friends with Ken as a fellow youth baseball coach. He had a contagious competitive spirit, a drive to teach the kids about life and my oldest son, Casyn, and I will hold on to many fond memories shared on the field. My deepest condolences to Ken’s wife, Renee, and kids, JD, Brooke and Taylor. Our whole region is mourning along with you.

It was Madison Day at the Capitol on Tuesday. Thanks to everyone for coming to share the great things happening in Pierre with the rest of the Legislature. I welcomed the high school classes from Lake Preston and Sioux Valley as they joined us to see the legislative process in action. It was also a good week for cybersecurity with the approval of SB 187 in Senate State Affairs which creates a local government cybersecurity services initiative so that our cities can be protected. I’ll continue to work with the various stakeholders on this so that we can keep the public, utilities and election information safe and secure.

One of my initiatives this year was SB 78 which helps incentivize gas stations to offer E15 and bolster our ag industry. The House and Senate have approved the bill, and it is now with Gov. Noem. Ethanol plants buy 64% of the corn grown in the state, supporting 11,00 family farms and 30,000 jobs. I want to see more homegrown fuel sold and used in South Dakota. It’s good for farmers and consumers.

Next week, the Legislature will receive updated revenue projections so that we can finalize a balanced budget for the next fiscal year. There are several priorities, but at the top of the list for me is another tuition freeze for our students at state universities and technical colleges. An affordable education is the best opportunity for our kids and grandkids to pursue their dreams in South Dakota and strengthen our economy.

The House took up several of the pipeline-related bills this week and the rest are scheduled for committee on Monday. Two of the bills that I prime-sponsored passed the House on Thursday–HB 1185 and HB 1186. These two bills help make South Dakota the state with the strongest landowner protection rights in law. Next week, Senate State Affairs will hold a hearing on SB 201, prime sponsored by Rep. Will Mortenson and myself. With these three bills, we have worked on proposals that protect the future of South Dakota agriculture; one that promotes respect, fairness, and certainty for everyone involved.

As we head into the homestretch before Crossover Day, stay in touch with your thoughts on the Senate bills pending action and the House bills making their way over to the Senate.


One thought on “Guest Column – Halftime at the Capitol by Senate Majority Leader Casey Crabtree”

  1. You are doing a fantastic job, Senator Crabtree. Keep up the good work leading the Senate, and our beloved State.

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