District 30 election recount schedule, impeachment, GOP Convention and more
by Rep. Tim Goodwin
Greetings! It’s official. The recount for District 30 Senate race is as follows: Pennington County Monday, June 27th at 9am; Custer County Monday, June 27th at 2pm; Fall River County Tuesday, June 28th at 9am. All recounts are held at the respective county courthouses with the Auditor’s Office in charge. All are open to the public.
Also, the property tax summer study is having its first meeting at 10am on June 27th in room 362 in the State Capitol.
Working backwards chronologically, we are gaveling in at 10am Tuesday, June 21st in the House of Representatives for a Special Session regarding the impeachment trial of our Attorney General Jason Ravnsborg (pronounced rounsborg). The Attorney General was impeached on April 12, 2022, by the House of Representatives. Now the Senate conducts the trial scheduled for June 21 and 22.
This is unprecedented ground as a State Constitutional Officer hasn’t been impeached since statehood November 2nd of 1889. The Senate’s job is to conduct the trial to determine if the AG is guilty of the articles of impeachment. If the Senate decides that he is guilty, then their next job is to pass punishment which could include removal from office. Since the impeachment, Attorney General Rovnsborg has been suspended from his official duties.
Another event happening soon is the State Republican Convention held this year in Watertown. The dates are June 23 through 25. The highlights of the convention will be selection of the Constitutional Officers to be on the ballot in the General Election held November 8, 2022. There are two hotly contended races among the Republicans. First is the Attorney General’s race. Previous Attorney General Marty Jackley is running against David Natvig, the current Director of South Dakota’s Division of Criminal Investigation (DCI). The other race is our current Secretary of State Steve Barnett running against Monae Johnson from Rapid City who has worked in the Secretary of State’s office in the past.
The rest of the Constitutional Officers include Lieutenant Governor Larry Rhoden, State Treasurer Josh Haeder, Auditor Rich Sattgast, and Public Utilities Commissioner Chris Nelson. These each look to be unchallenged. The remaining Constitutional Officer post is School and Public Lands Commissioner. Ryan Brunner has served two terms, so is ineligible for re-election. State Senator Brock Greenfield looks to be the only candidate who is currently running for that post.
Remember, at the State Convention only the delegates are eligible to vote, and they have to be present to vote, meaning no phone-ins or proxy voting. I will keep you posted!
To the citizens of South Dakota and to the men and women in uniform, in honor of all who served, in respectful memory of all who fell, and in great appreciation to those who serve today, Thank You, for giving me the opportunity to represent you.
Tim R. Goodwin, District 30 Representative and candidate for Senate
[email protected]
Timely, one recount right after another.
I did not hear him discuss what he hinted at before of some sort of irregularities— anyone know what that was about?
Is there a way to get the recount results as they go county to county? Or at least after the first day?
Will anyone be reporting on that?
Should be an interesting week.
He forgot that on Monday the 27th the government accountability board meets also to consider the allegations that the AG brought against the governor. Boy I wish we could see those especially in light of her aggressive push to get rid of him through impeachment which Goodwin helped push also.
Let us hope Mr. Goodwin reads Mr. PP’s bloggings. A senate seat is a terrible thing to waste, and the insaner fellows in the District numbered 30 have failed to put this fine fellow in to save their vote and make it count.