Guest Column: The Case for Kristi by Maggie Seidel

Guest Column: The Case for Kristi 
by Maggie Seidel

Folks – Election Day is closing in. Because I spent a year and a half working in the Noem administration, several friends have asked me about the Governor’s race and why I’m voting for Governor Noem. Here’s why.

You may have noticed, especially at the national level, that the progressive left is relentlessly attacking some of the pillars of society—faith, family, and work. Because South Dakota has a part-time legislature, our constitution (for better or worse) gives considerable power to the Executive Branch, and so it is incredibly important that it stays in the hands of someone standing on the side of the proven tenets of a democratic society.

There’s also an increasing disregard for our constitutional structure and the rule of law. Reasoned debate is no longer considered to be an objective of public discourse. Individual freedom, our rights, our families, our children’s education, and so much more are under attack. But South Dakota has been a beacon of hope.

During Governor Noem’s tenure, constitutional carry has passed, religious liberty protections strengthened, parental choice in education expanded, government agencies combined, girls’ sports safeguarded, and significant investments have been made to help ordinary people. We are now learning the full extent of the abuses committed by government autocrats across the country in dealing with Covid19. South Dakotans were spared such mistreatment because of the leadership of Governor Noem.

Her commitment to individual rights and self-government is tremendously significant. It has taken many years to build one of the greatest states in the nation – flaws and all – but we stand to lose it in a tiny fraction of that time if Jamie Smith takes the helm.

The simple truth is that Jamie Smith has attached himself to certain people and ideas that undercut the most fundamental rights we hold –freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the right to reap the benefits of your work, and equal justice under law.

To those of you thinking he’ll be hindered by the legislature, think again. We can expect Jamie Smith to fully cooperate with the Biden administration in ways that will make it very hard for our Republican legislature to resist implementing initiatives that would significantly disturb our way of life. On top of this, he’ll be a thorn in the side of those who want to protect the exemplary fiscal position South Dakota currently enjoys. And, he will have control over every agency in the state, including the Departments of Health; Game, Fish, and Parks; Labor and Regulation; and Agriculture and Natural Resources. Mull that over for a second or two.

The moment we are living in is a pivotal one. As I said, our rights, our state, and the prosperity and well-being of our families are in jeopardy. The beauty of being a Republican is that we can have periodic differences and a lot of tactical skirmishes, but in the end we must come together. This election, we have a choice that has serious consequences for us in South Dakota.

It’s no secret that Governor Noem has had her share of challenges, but if you believe in the people of South Dakota, our liberty, security, and Constitutional rights, there’s only one choice for us on November 8 – it’s Kristi Noem. And that’s why she has my vote, and I hope she has yours too.

Stay well,

17 thoughts on “Guest Column: The Case for Kristi by Maggie Seidel”

    1. No it’s not, Noem is more liberal than anyone. Let’s not forget the corruption behind Noem.

  1. Maggie writes: “I spent a year and a half working in the Noem administration…” Wow. That is a long time for a Noem appointee.

    Now, can you tell us why she lost five Chiefs of Staff in three years? I bet you have a good idea.

    1. Very telling, it’s because Noem is a Diva and throws a temper tantrum every time she doesn’t get her way.

  2. Hmm. Does Seidel’s letter sound a little defeatist to you? Like most people, I assume the incumbent will usually win. But they sure make me wonder when they write letters like this.

  3. SD also currently has a part time governor.

    Also, why would we take advice from a DC lobbyist that’s only been in the state a few years?

  4. The anti Noem posters are out in full force on here once again. I am surprised at those, if they would rather have spent the last two plus years living in Minnesota, Michigan, Washington, Oregon, etc. I am proud to vote for Noem again!

    1. Springer…its not because of noem its in spite of her…..

      She did not want constitutional carry but took credit for it when it passed

      She wanted the power to mask up and have restrictions…until the legislature stopped her …then she did a 180

      She spends like a Democrat with Government money and wants to compete against private business

      She was for bill on transgender sports till she vetoed it…then passed a water diwn version

      Shall i go on?…She said she would help clean pierre …she did not she is even more beholden to establishment than anyone….donors are all that matters to her

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