I don’t believe that’s permissible. DoedenPAC reports donation of 100k, despite 10k law.

From SDCL 12-27-9:

12-27-9Limits on contributions to political action committee–Violation as misdemeanor .

A political action committee may accept contributions during any calendar year as follows:

(1)    Not to exceed ten thousand dollars from a person;
(2)    Not to exceed ten thousand dollars from an entity;
(3)    Without limit from a political action committee;
(4)    Without limit from a political party;
(5)    Without limit from a candidate campaign committee; and
(6)    Not to exceed ten thousand dollars from a ballot question committee.

Any contribution from a person who is an unemancipated minor shall be deducted from the total contribution permitted under this section by the unemancipated minor’s custodial parent or parents. A violation of this section is a Class 2 misdemeanor. A subsequent offense within a calendar year is a Class 1 misdemeanor.

From the DoedenPAC Campaign Finance Report:

TobyDoedenPAC_sdcfdisclosure by Pat Powers on Scribd

The report also omits any mention of the cost of text messaging that’s been going on.

I have the feeling that this report – and how the PAC does business – will quickly be subject to revision.

*Update* – sorry, I didn’t get the DumpsterFire logo added..

14 thoughts on “I don’t believe that’s permissible. DoedenPAC reports donation of 100k, despite 10k law.”

    1. We were under the impression that anything Doeden related must have a Dumpsterfire included with it as a registered trademark.

  1. Doesn’t he campaign about honest and integrity ? Wants to fix our state and cant even abide by campaign laws. Thats Crazy

  2. This raises more questions that need further investigation. The PAC, campaign finance violations which also includes his so called “Exploratory Committee”. A full IRS audit needs to happen regarding his businesses too and taxpayer money. His Hub City Radio Interview he talks about the need for extremely small government but he has no problem being a government taxpayer funded welfare queen.

  3. Ah! That is much better! Pat there is an electronic billboard just east of Kesslers across the street on 6th Ave one of the busiest streets in the state where this Doeden Dumpsterfire logo could cycle on that billboard with infamous quotes and the most recent dumpster diver endorsed candidates. He stated in the Hub City Broadcasting Interview he has plenty of money, time and will outlast his opposition. Does he realize he is generating more opposition and unifying the most unlikely allies everyday including current employees? Long term lease rates may be attractive. There could be a broad base of those who would donate to this. It would be a very popular attraction in Aberdeen.

    1. OH YES! That would fantastic. If someone decides to act on your idea, I hope you’ll take photos and send them to Pat. We all could use a little bright spot in our day!

  4. LOL. LOL. LOL. LOL.
    Ohh poor Toby! But I’m sure those evil laws and FEC regulations are all just the “establishment” trying to take him down, and other assorted god complex language.
    (pause I have to laugh again)
    He also talks a BIG game against “BIG interest groups” supporting evil candidate — as he totes how he wants to be a big interest group!
    LOL. LOL. LOL. Someone please make it make sense! So stupid you can’t make this stuff up! LOL

    Everyone go listen to his hub city radio interview – pure hilarity. He just spews soundbites and all out lies. He’s so ignorant and uneducated, its literally hilarious!
    This guys a joke! He’s always been a joke, and he’ll only continue to be a joke! Keep it comin’ Tobes!

    1. Toby always over promises. Look at Scotty’s diner and had all these big plans. Did they happen? Nope! He went on the cheap. It closed. Has it been rebranded and reopened by the date announced? Nope! Still closed. That place needs ownership outside of any association of Doeden for it to succeed.

      Just like selling cars. Overpromised and made stuff up. When customers would come back being angry looking for their salesperson where was Toby? Sorry! We cannot find him.

      Tobes no matter what will always be a joke.

  5. AG Jackley better look into this. Can’t just turn a blind eye. This is going to start looking bad on him soon.

  6. $100k is about $75k more than his nonprofit, 4J Fondation, has raised in the last half decade, according to 990 reports.

  7. His charity should also be looked into. The donation for the Humane Society has not been accounted for as of today.

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