I think the Governor might have an opinion on this…

14 thoughts on “I think the Governor might have an opinion on this…”

  1. I love that she’s throwing serious shade at Haugaard. I had high hopes for his speakership. Whoever takes over has a very low bar in terms of looking like a success.

  2. We taxpayers shouldn’t have to pay for that nonsense. And if the executive board decides that we should, taxpayers are going to be outraged. As they should be.

  3. Will Gov. Noem be personally paying the legal fees for the pipeline bills she rushed through?

    1. Wow, talk about comparing apples to oranges. If you cannot see the distinction there is little hope for you.

      1. Should an elected official, acting in their official capacity, have to pay settlement’s/ legal fee’s that are a result of the actions they’ve taken? I don’t believe they should.

        But that doesn’t mean they should be free from criticism of the actions that incurred the cost.

        Not apples and oranges at all.

        1. So, Haugaard trying to throw a lobbyist off the house floor because he didn’t like an article she wrote six months prior is the same as supporting and signing legislation intended to protect people and taxpayers is the same thing? You are hopeless.

          1. Intention is irrelevant. The fact is both situations involve elected officials acting in official capacity to deny our constitutional rights. As a republican, I know this law will be struck down as well. We should never support denying people their constitutional rights no matter what our intentions are or how right we may think we are.

    2. That’s just plain stupid. The bills Noem passed will make Trans Canada and rioters pay instead of the taxpayers.

  4. This tweet is another unforced error by the Governor. What’s the upside? It certainly doesn’t help improve her already strained relationship with the House. The executive branch weighing in on a decision that the legislative branch will make on the actions of one of its leaders will be seen as overreach.

  5. You want transparency in government? Here’s the inside scoop. The governor had just met with leadership over her style and form vetoes. The two sides didn’t agree. The meeting was tense. Just a few minutes after the meeting concluded, the governor made the tweet, not just going after the Speaker, but unfortunately undermining her relationship with the entire legislative branch.

    1. The Governor could care less about a “strained relationship” with the House. Since the inception of term limits, the legislature has become almost irrelevant.

  6. Anon1 just above; what you wrote means Governor Noem cares an incredible amount about a “strained relationship” with the House.

    Words mean things.

    Term limits have done ZERO to our Legislative skill set. The dysfunction of the Democrat Party has though. And jumping from House to Senate to House to Senate to House sure as heck doesn’t deserve irrelevancy now.

  7. How has the Democrat Party called any dysfunction in the Legislature? They have no power. They are irrelevant. The Republican party is in charge of everything.

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