18 thoughts on “I’m sure that was a quick discussion as SD Dems pick Senate leadership.”
‘The caucus that does not need pants.’
Pity the poor soul who didn’t get a leadership position. Must really suck.
Hahahahahaha. Truth!
When I ran for senate as a Libertarian, I always wondered what I would declare myself if I wasn’t invited to caucus with either existing caucus. I kind of liked Superminority Leader, Whip, Head Cook and Bottle Washer.
At least they are being open and transparent right from the get go.
And the Senate Republicans weren’t? Sounds like someone is butt hurt over losing.
How are they being any more honest and transparent than the Senate Republican caucus, who elected its leaders and announced the results Friday?
Leadership doesn’t mean much when everyone in your caucus is elected a leader. Haha.
I wonder why Red Dawn Foster was the one left out. She was assistant leader last time
Probably didn’t take too long to count the votes
Tim H at 12:49…
Still at least two days longer than the GOP gang.
Just a few token Democrats in Pierre. Too bad South Dakota no longer has a main opposition party due to self inflicted fatal errors.
Honestly, that’s what happens when you let yourself be distracted from the business of being a political party. Too much concentration on ballot issues.
Sure, you’ll win a ballot issue here and there, but your base crumbles into nothingness.
You’ve got the order wrong. The democrat party crumbled when its best and brightest dropped out of politics.
Thank you cory the commie heidelberger!
Rock, paper, scissors works great with their numbers.
I was thinking one-potato, two-potato for more excitement.
Their vegan constituents would be offended.
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‘The caucus that does not need pants.’
Pity the poor soul who didn’t get a leadership position. Must really suck.
Hahahahahaha. Truth!
When I ran for senate as a Libertarian, I always wondered what I would declare myself if I wasn’t invited to caucus with either existing caucus. I kind of liked Superminority Leader, Whip, Head Cook and Bottle Washer.
At least they are being open and transparent right from the get go.
And the Senate Republicans weren’t? Sounds like someone is butt hurt over losing.
How are they being any more honest and transparent than the Senate Republican caucus, who elected its leaders and announced the results Friday?
Leadership doesn’t mean much when everyone in your caucus is elected a leader. Haha.
I wonder why Red Dawn Foster was the one left out. She was assistant leader last time
Probably didn’t take too long to count the votes
Tim H at 12:49…
Still at least two days longer than the GOP gang.
Just a few token Democrats in Pierre. Too bad South Dakota no longer has a main opposition party due to self inflicted fatal errors.
Honestly, that’s what happens when you let yourself be distracted from the business of being a political party. Too much concentration on ballot issues.
Sure, you’ll win a ballot issue here and there, but your base crumbles into nothingness.
You’ve got the order wrong. The democrat party crumbled when its best and brightest dropped out of politics.
Thank you cory the commie heidelberger!
Rock, paper, scissors works great with their numbers.
I was thinking one-potato, two-potato for more excitement.
Their vegan constituents would be offended.