In case you needed a business loan, I’ve got your hook up.

Apparently former State Senator Lynne/Lyndi Hix DiSanto Meyer has a new job, selling loans through a website.

…because we want our loan officers to be able to hold a MacBook and an iPhone?

Do you do your deposits in brown paper bags?

9 thoughts on “In case you needed a business loan, I’ve got your hook up.”

  1. If something is done in such an amateurish manner, I don’t even consider it to be legitimate. I think she could do with an advertising company to make it look professional. If she is relying on name recognition I don’t think she has a deep enough pool to draw from.

  2. Yikes! At first, I thought Pat created the sexist image of the blonde with a computer and cell phone. I then went to the website (for morbid curiosity) and sure enough, there it was in the upper left hand corner.

    Sorry Pat (I shouldn’t have doubted you)! Just when it seemed we were done with Lyndi/Lynne (whomever), she comes limping back with this. Wow! You just can’t make this kind of stuff up!

  3. Since she doesn’t give her name in the ad I am wondering if this is just a modeling gig she got?
    It’s kind of like the ads, with Tatiana, the USMC veteran who pitches loans. What color are her eyes?

    I guess it works

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