In District 21, new candidate Erin Tobin outraises House Maj. Leader Lee Qualm in fundraising a tremendous 6 to 1

Pre-primary campaign finance forms are coming in today, and at the top of the list are the campaign finance reports for District 21 State Senate. And they are completely shocking.

I’d noted that House Majority Leader Lee Qualm had problems from sponsoring anti-vaxxer legislation, and Erin Tobin was a candidate to watch… but even I am shocked at the disparity.  Because Erin Tobin seems to have the wind at her back with full sails, and she is way out in front!   Even with Qualm starting at a little under 10K in the bank, political newcomer Erin Tobin has completely crushed the House Majority Leader, and is heading into the last two weeks of the election with massive forward momentum.  Don’t believe me? Read it for yourself:

Lee Qualm’s report:

Lee Qualm 2020 Pre-Primary … by Pat Powers on Scribd

Qualm started with $9.5 k in the bank. He raised $4.3k, with an anemic $450 in itemized contributions,  $2.9K from PACS, and spent $10.2k.

And Lee ends the reporting period with $3,760 in the bank.

And here’s where the disparity starts, as you read Erin Tobin’s report:

Erin Tobin 2020 Pre-Primary… by Pat Powers on Scribd

Erin Tobin started from zero..  raised an eye-popping $24k in donations – with a tremendous $16K from itemized contributions, $5k from entities, and $2.4k from PACs  She spent $14,150 so far, leaving her with $9,937 in the bank for the last two weeks.  Tobin out-raised the House Majority Leader 6 to 1 (on itemized contributions, it was 36 to 1), she spent about $4000 more, and goes into the last week with about 2 to 3 times the cash on hand that Qualm has.

Keep on watching, because this race is going to be fought hard going into the last two weeks like nothing we’ve seen for a while. And by all indications, Erin Tobin isn’t going to let up anytime soon.

14 thoughts on “In District 21, new candidate Erin Tobin outraises House Maj. Leader Lee Qualm in fundraising a tremendous 6 to 1”

  1. Wowza. She outraised some of the statewide constitutional folks in actual donor $. Biggest Senate haul in the primary, I think.

      1. Even when they were, most raised about $25k and relied on the party for the rest.

  2. You pee on Langer and Greenfields cheerios and I guess you get hit hard.

    Does Kristi send out a postcard to save Qualm or is he on his own now?

      1. Good point.

        So is Qualm toast? Where are his anti vaxxers now when he needs them? Where are their donations? Some of them are very wealthy.

        I’m surprised the gov isn’t backing her strongest supporter in the house.

  3. Quite a few “Sutton” supporters on her list also? Billie’s in-laws are donating?

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