In your guts, you know Taffy Howard is…

From Facebook, after Kevin Jensen’s office caught someone on video breaking into his office for a second time, you have to wonder if someone has taken over Taffy Howard’s facebook page, because she wouldn’t write off the wall nutty stuff like this on purpose.

Would she?

Not sure what you say to that kind of crazy talk.

.. maybe that for starters.

41 thoughts on “In your guts, you know Taffy Howard is…”

  1. Clearly the District numbered 33 minions are out to get Ms. Taffy. Clearly she is not insaner than most, and these deep state late night operatives are real.

    1. If that is from January 4th, I noticed she lied multiple times. She is worse than a Democrat. It was one lie after another. How does she sleep at night?

  2. Glad she’s out of the legislature. Her divisive grandstanding wasted time and accomplished nothing. Sadly for her, she’s already been forgotten.

    1. Nope, she is far from being forgotten. War Room today, Steve Bannon tomorrow. She is telling the truth; the SD GOP elites are not following the GOP platform. When the “elites” promote Democrats to change parties and run against conservative Republicans in the primary, it reeks to high Heaven. When the County GOP Committee only allow the incumbents to speak at Lincoln Day Dinners, something is rotten in the SDGOP. Our local citizens need to have a voice, and that is only with precinct committeemen and committeewomen. I also do not think any elected official or employee of a candidate should be a committeeperson.

        1. One example is Steve Duffy, lifelong Democrat until his wife, Helene Duhamel was appointed by Noem. Helene votes like a Democrat. He ran as a Republican and won in the last election. I doubt many who voted for him even realized he had been a lifelong Democrat! Yes, he was endorsed by members of the Pennington County Committee as well as Noem. BTW, He also contributed to the Hillary Clinton 2016 campaign. Then there was the Democrat Mayor of Box Elder who switched to a Republican, ran against a conservative and lost, Thank God! I understand a number of other candidates against true conservatives were also recent Democrats before the primary.

  3. Perhaps you should watch (Snip – you already posted this once. Keep it at that. – editor PP)

    The corruption of the SD GOP is being exposed! Thank God!

    1. SDSenior, some of us view lying to people to recruit them to serve as precinct committeemen and women as corruption.

      Many of the people who were recruited had no idea what they were signing up for, and were surprised when they found out they would have to pay their own way to attend the convention. Nobody had told them that the cost of transportation, meals, lodging, convention fees and event tickets could come in at anywhere between $500-$1000 per person.
      Then they were surprised to learn they had signed up for an extra four months of hard work, which they were not prepared to do, so they disappeared. How many of them figured out they were played, and played well, by the people who had recruited them?
      Nobody in “the establishment” would mind the votes of the precinct committee men and women at the convention if they didn’t complain about having to pay their own way, didn’t try to vote themselves money out of the party treasury, didn’t create chaos over the platform and resolutions, and actually did their jobs. The fault lies with the people who misrepresented the process to them to get them there. That is where the corruption is.

      1. Who is complaining…I have not been associated with any committee person complaining about the cost of attending the convention. You do realize that precinct committee persons also hold down Full Time Jobs, they are regular people like you and me, who often work two jobs, yet alone have families to take care of, they are NOT professional, nor political hacks, or career politicians. THEY are normal people who take pride in getting involved. I do not think any such Precinct Committee Person has complained about extra work, in fact, they take great pride in being elected by the people in their precinct, their neighborhoods. The only people I see complaining are the establishment wing of the party, the executive board members, the top brass who are upset that they are finding out that the people may or may not agree with the party platform Since there are MORE precincts than districts, I guess for that matter, more honestly, the 35 Districts are broken down into “Small Groups of People” in South Dakota, people who own Land, Property, are Commoners – they nominated, and elected people who think different than the Legislature, and that alone leads to many of the top brass of the “Party” to crap their pants when they find out that many of the citizens may not agree with the party platform. In fact, I find it highly disturbing that the Republican Party big wigs, establishment, so called career politicians attacking their fellow citizens cause they chose to vote a certain way, let alone do NOT find the time to attend ALL of the committee meetings, etc. Much of this is related to the fact they hold full time jobs, and are NOT privileged to collecting thousands of dollars of PAC Funds, let alone they do not collect or take monies from lobbies.

        As I read boards such as this, I think to myself, all the fake names, or people hiding behind “Anonymous” are nothing more than a liberal progressive person mostly connected to the progressive wing of the party itself, let alone a RINO of who are aligning themselves with the federalist concept of taking federal money, grants, and other subsidies and tax benefits in return for giving up our sovereignty as a FREE STATE or REPUBLIC.

        I really do NOT take anyone to serious who hides behind a name such as ANONYMOUS cause it represents the “Woke” faction of society who hides in their basement, let alone talk big behind a computer screen on social media, face book, twitter, etc…

        Donald Trump is correct, when he said, that so many Americans are so woke today, that they would hide their true identity behind a computer screen, so ashamed of who they really are, all cause they fear those who may NOT agree with them, that they now rely on attacking people who do think different than them.

        Who knows who broke into Kevin Jenson’s office, as a family member who is from a family who owns a small business, and has had our “Business” broken into, mostly because of some woke person mad at society, or someone who who simply decided to attack honest hard working people, knows that there are numerous reasons to what leads to someone wanting to break into a business.

        If this is a political witch attack, the truth will come out, if it is merely a disgruntled prick who just decided to break into a bunch of businesses, well, the truth will come out.

        The only Republicans attacking other Republicans are the established folk in the party, I am a long time republican, have stated my views, expressed my concerns, and proudly express my reasons for voting a certain way, and you do NOT see me going out attacking people, casting blame, nor are you seeing people like myself taking the time to call anyone for their beliefs. I am simply sticking to my guns to change the party from within, to be more sincere, honest, and transparent, in holding Government more accountable…

        1. evidently you did not attend the rules committee meeting the first day of the convention, where an angry mob of people led by Taffy Howard demanded their money back, loudly howling that “we even have to pay for our own motel rooms!” and called for a vote to raid the party treasury. Taffy said they were owed the money because the state party had failed to properly communicate the cost of attending the convention, and somebody else should pay. “Find some other way to pay for the convention,” she said. Get your fairy Godmother on the phone? Start a Gofundme account?
          Maybe the precinct committee men and women should have asked “how much is this going to cost?” before they signed up.

          And I realize that many of the precinct committee men and women have full-time jobs, and if they didn’t have time for a four-month side gig as precinct committee people, they shouldn’t have signed up for it. And it’s not just 4 months, although that’s when most of the work is done. It’s a two-year term of office.
          It’s their own fault. They knew they had full time jobs and families and other commitments, and they should have known better than to take on another job.

          1. I cannot control the minds of other people, as stated, I do NOT condone bad behavior, or insulting others, let alone threatening people to force people to do or not do something.

            I, for one knew that becoming an elected person you are bound to the terms set by the state constitution, the laws, etc. And I understand that the party has established rules of conduct in order to hold meetings.

            If you ever met me, or had conversations with me, then you will know my beliefs, my stance, and my thoughts.

            I do not get where you all claim people do not go into any affair not knowing or understanding the rolls of the position itself.

            [SNIP] [Mike, not kidding. Done with the manifestos. Get to the point – editor PP]

  4. One of the most corrupt states says Taffy Howard? Only because they are sore losers. South Dakota has one of the best and most secure voting systems in the country. South Dakota also has one of the dumbest political systems in the country where people take a precinct job just so they can vote in the Convention and then you never see them again. They never work for the party. The GOP won’t endorse or support District candidates in the primaries, so you have as many Democrats running as Republicans as you do actual Republicans and many of them winning. You see the Right-wingers running as Republicans, but you never see Republican on any of their materials. Just a bunch of whining sore losers who never actually do anything.

    1. This really does NOT make any sense. I have long since called myself a Republican since the day I became a registered voter in 2000. I spent the first half of my life enjoying life, I graduated from Lincoln High School in 1993, after one year at Old Washington High.

      My family was a small business minded family, with my father starting our small automotive repair shop in 1979 in our home garage on W. 41st Street [*SNIP*.]

      [Mike, none of this incredibly long comment was on topic. Speak your piece and get to the point. – Editor PP]

      1. Hey Mike I don’t know you and I’m not ever reading something this long in order to do so. Say though someone I know well; like a Lee Schoenbeck wrote it, I’d read it. So before you get my attention try condescending it down to a couple paragraphs and use some shock and awe writing. I’ll def read that.

      2. Mike, as precinct committee man for Minnehaha County Precinct 0522, let’s just review YOUR scorecard.
        Your precinct has 1722 registered voters. 826 voted in the general election. Less than half turned out.

        Thune won your precinct by only 4 votes. You did better by Dusty Johnson, who won it by 135 votes.
        But Noem LOST your precinct by 158 votes.

        So for all your blather about what a dedicated precinct committeeman you are, you only got 48% voter turnout in your precinct and the governor received only 37% of the votes cast. Taking all three races, the top of the ticket got 1123 votes out of the 2478. (3 races x 826 voters) That’s a score of 45%, an F on any grading curve.

  5. Taffy is as effective out of office, as she was in the legislature.

    Not voting, and unable to pass anything but gas.

  6. Whoa, Taffy, don’t start saying anything bad about a Republicans, even though there are only 6 Democrats, we still blame them for everything. Surely the 99 republicans are not to blame for anything wrong in this state, if we could just get rid of the 6 Dems, we can finally have total peace here with zero problems in the state, right?

  7. I’ll just throw this out there. I think Dusty did it. He was on TV in Washington yesterday but, as we all know, you can’t believe anything you see in the lamestream media.

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