Is Biden close to withdrawal from race? Calls to exit contest getting louder.

Spent a few minutes watching the AM news programs, and as former President Trump is gaining momentum at the GOP National Convention, the calls for President Biden to withdraw from the race keep getting louder and louder:

NBC News analyst Chuck Todd joked Wednesday that, like in the ghost movie “The Sixth Sense,” every Democrat knows that Biden’s re-election campaign is dead except the president himself.


An AP-NORC survey released Wednesday found 65% of Democrats want Biden to withdraw from the presidential race with only 37% of Democrats satisfied with him as the nominee.

Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., also made headlines Wednesday after calling on Biden to leave the race, making him the 20th congressional Democrat to do so over the past month.

Read that story here.

And the calls keep getting louder..:

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi privately told President Joe Biden in a recent conversation that polling shows that the president cannot defeat Donald Trump and that Biden could destroy Democrats’ chances of winning the House in November if he continues seeking a second term, according to four sources briefed on the call.

The president responded by pushing back, telling Pelosi he has seen polls that indicate he can win, one source said. Another one of the sources described Biden as getting defensive about the polls.

Read that here.

..and louder, as reflected in a more recent report from ABC News..

According to multiple well-connected Democratic sources, President Joe Biden’s support from elected party leaders is crumbling.


Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer went to see Biden in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, on Saturday. Shortly after the meeting, Schumer’s office put out a statement, saying only, “I sat with President Biden this afternoon in Delaware; we had a good meeting.”


A knowledgeable source close to both men tells me Schumer had a blunt conversation with Biden, making the case it would be best if Biden dropped out of the 2024 presidential race.

Read that story here.

When LBJ withdrew from the 1968 race, Vice President Hubert Humphrey won the nomination.. and George Wallace ran on a third party ticket against Republican Richard Nixon who was eventually elected.  However, LBJ’s announcement in 1968 over unrest caused by the Vietnam War came at the end of March. Fast forward 56 years later, and Biden may be set to withdraw because of his advanced age and withering mental acuity in July of the election year – much farther into the process than LBJ was.

It’s hard to see any scenario where this is good for Democrats.

Biden had gone off the air in the wake of the attempted assassination of former President Trump. Now, we have President Biden further withdrawing from public view for several days because of COVID. And all of this is occurring with calls from his top Congressional leaders telling him he should leave the race, and it’s killing the down ticket contests.

We may be witness to history once again, just as our parents and grandparents were in 1968 with the complete upheaval of the Democrat presidential ticket at the time.

4 thoughts on “Is Biden close to withdrawal from race? Calls to exit contest getting louder.”

  1. Biden is toast. But that is not necessarily bad news for Democrats.

    A majority of Americans are yearning for a new generation of presidential candidates. It has felt like Groundhog Day these last twelve years. Old and unpopular candidates, election after election.

    I have felt that the first political party to dump their eighty-year-old candidate will win. The assassination attempt could have altered that, but I still think it’s true. If Democrats choose a moderate, more youthful candidate to put up against Trump, they will engage the American majority and probably win. Even the more liberal Kamala Harris could do it, but it would be more difficult.

    1. it’s delicate. the monied big contributors don’t care how it gets done, just do it – because biden won’t extend the trump top-bracket tax cuts they love.
      the party leaders keep hearing biden hurts the down ballot races too – but they have to move delicately because to totally redecorate they have to get rid of harris too and just don’t want to be seen as racist for doing it.
      it’ll be interesting to see how this crap sandwich of a campaign plays out for the dnc.

    1. but what if i say that, and just end up actually voting for biden. ooo telling a pollster the truth how devious

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