Is it me, or is the Minnehaha County GOP trying to ignore the Trump event out west.

South Dakota GOP announces President Trump coming to South Dakota for major event on July 19..


Minnehaha County Republican Party facebook, July 20 forward…

Is it me, or is the Minnehaha County GOP’s leadership actively avoiding any mention to Minnehaha County Republicans the fact that former President and front-running Republican candidate Donald Trump is coming to South Dakota on September 8?

(They must be busy planning the next rummage sale.)

34 thoughts on “Is it me, or is the Minnehaha County GOP trying to ignore the Trump event out west.”

  1. EVERYONE should be ignoring this event. Trump is an embarrassment to our party and country. He’s not a true conservative or a patriot. He is a grift who belongs no where close to power in any form. Lock him up.

    1. There is a burger joint in Aberdeen President Trump could visit and launch the Trump 45 burger. It would be a big hit there.

          1. Which burger joint in Aberdeen, SD would this be future home of the big juicy “World Famous Trump 45 Burger” and Freedom Fries?

  2. Trump derangement syndrome in full view today. Are these whiners really better off today under Biden? Is the nation better off? No one says Trump or any other person is perfect, but the four years with Trump at the helm were definitely better than the last three under bumbling Biden, aka Obama et all. .

      1. It was no insurrection. It was a hijacked political rally. But believe what you want.

    1. I was okay with many of Trump’s policies. However I consider his character to be “beyond despicable”. He is nothing more than a criminal and a traitor for trying to steal the 2020 election. He belongs behind bars, not on the campaign trail. And I am not a big Biden supporter. I would gladly vote for one of four of the other GOP candidates should they get the GOP nomination.

    2. Trump set us up for a big drop when the supply chain effects hit. If he would have been president instead of Biden, we likely would have hit a recession. Luckily, yet again, a Democrat pulls us back out of the hole with economic plans to reinvest in the country and drive record growth. Republicans always create a mess that democrats clean up only for then to do it again. Had Trump prepped better, Biden wouldn’t have had to save the day. Don’t believe me, ask jp Morgan and every investment firm in the country. Republicans take short-term gains for long-term disappointment.

  3. He’s been charged with 71 felonies and counting. Has been found liable for sexual abuse and defamation. He’s using campaign contributions to the tune of $40 million to pay his legal fees. What a grifter. I can’t believe anyone is still supporting this guy…

  4. Squirrel… focus. The article is about Minehaha GOP, that is so disjointed, unfocused and lacking any leadership, ignoring Pennington GOPs event. They are soooo envious.
    Hey, I don’t like Trump, but what I do enjoy is going to their garage sales with meat raffles.

    1. Sean Tornow, et al, hate the SDGOP. Wiik brilliantly brought in Taffy’s and Tornow’s hero (Trump), which forced Taffy and Tornow into a difficult decision: support the SDGOP and admit you’re happy to have Trump here …. or show that you hate the SDGOP so much you’re willing to turn your back on your hero. Taffy and Tornow have made their choice. Their hatred for the Republican Party is clearly more important to them than anything else.

      1. That is a great explanation, thanks. It did bring up a question…. Does anyone care if Taffy and Tornio hate SDGOP? Either way it will out them for the self-serving pukes they are.

        1. I don’t care if Shawn Tornow personally hates the Republican Party. I *do* care if the Minnehaha GOP Chair hates the SDGOP, though. That clearly is the case here!

  5. If it’s in Rapid, it has nothing to do with Sioux Falls. In fact, if it’s in Mitchell, it has nothing to do with Sioux Falls. Minnehaha County is an island unto itself.

      1. and the problem with that is..?

        If you buy tickets to a concert, it’s all about the soloist. If you buy tickets to a football game, it’s all about the quarterback.
        If you buy tickets to hear Trump speak, chances are you want to hear Trump speak. Everybody else on that stage is a warm-up or back-up act.

        The event is a fund-raising performance. The ticket buyers understand that.
        You whiners might as well complain about the grandstand acts at the state fair.

        1. the party should be in talks about how to organize and win in 2024 – a major candidate – ex president visit should be about that, as well as self promotion. trump swoops in with his greatest hits, he blasts his enemies, some “vast left wing conspiracy” if you will, – it’s all a trump version of what obama used to tell his fan club: “we are the people we have been waiting for”. yeah ok it’s all good never mind.

          1. Get over it. It’s a performance. Just like a tribute band or an Elvis impersonator, or any kind of magic act or circus show, even if it’s all phony, the ticket holders are getting what they want.

            Trump’s just like PT Barnum. Deal with it. If he can sell tickets for the party, it’s all good.

              1. And an even worse idea to have a president that can’t put a coherent sentence together, has been on vacation for over 1/3 of his term, is so cognitively impaired he gets lost on stage, and has been taking bribes from foreign governments through the actions of his son’s bribery brokerage.

    1. And that’s the problem. This is a South Dakota GOP event. It’s not a Pennington County event…. or a Davison County event. Minnehaha GOP needs to start playing for the team instead of just playing for themselves.

  6. Minnehaha GOP might be the only group hedging that the event will age like a gallon of milk

      1. And wrong most of the time. The tickets are selling fast. Presumably the fans will have a good time.

        Donald Trump might not age as well as The Rolling Stones, but who cares?

  7. Maybe I’m OG GOP, but why is the SD GOP taking sides in a primary? That used to be something the SDGOP did not do. Sure – if one came to the state or came to town, the party would play nice. But they didn’t host the candidate or invite them.

    1. who said they are taking sides? If other candidates want to appear and help raise money, I am sure the SDGOP will welcome them.

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